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UGH!!! Just found out

msc1120's picture

Just found out I'm gonna have to be married to my lying, cheating, stbxh until atleast the beginning of the year. I have all the divorce papers filled out ready to go, call the clerk of courts office to make sure I'm not forgetting anything and they tell me that filing for divorce because of adultery either requires a lawyer or 1 year seperation. My state requires 1 year separation for any grounds but I thought with it being adultery we could get this over quick and without attorneys. Cheating mofo doen't know this yet as I haven't spoken to him in almost 2 months. Well we haven't been seperated for a year and unless he wants to fork over money he doesn't have to pay for a lawyer I'm stuck married to him. The earliest I could get by with filing would be December since that's when we were apart the first time.


Annanymous's picture

I'm so sorry, that is just horrible, like punishing the victimized spouse being trapped legally married to the cheater. Like it isn't horrible enough already. Can you check into how much a lawyer would be for a quick divorce without any contention?

msc1120's picture

Yeah is really sucks!! I didn't want this for my marriage to start with but if it's over let's get this done. The cheapest lawyer I've found around here is $1200. I'm trying to save money for a house of my own I don't want to have to pay unless necessary.