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Been here an hour and here we go

Evilsteppy's picture

Skids have been here an hour and we're all ready off to a fabulous start (not).

step son is all ready throwing a fit because his dad told him it's bed time soon. Of course, as soon as there is any mention of it getting close to bed time, he screams, whines, cries, throws a tantrum and yells "I want to go back to mommy's!"

Of course, I would too if mommy let me stay up all night. We were informed by SS Diablo that "I get to stay up watching cartoon all night. No, seriously. I do." When dad reminded him that is not allowed at our house, he said, "Yes I am! Seriously! I get to stay up all night watching cartoons!" When dad reinforced that is not allowed at our house, instant tantrum.

They're both in bed all ready. SD had been up since 1am and SS since 6. SD couldn't wait to go to bed, dad made her wait till 10pm so she isn't up at the butt crack of dawn. SS started freaking out b/c he knew his bedtime would be 30 mins later, and then after dad calmed him down, he passed out asleep on the couch because he'd been up since 6am.

So glad mom can not work & live off welfare, etc, and teach her kids that free-range sleeping & eating are perfectly normal! Not so much for us poor working bastards.

Gaaaah, want to pull my hair out all ready & the weekend has JUST begun. Sad


Evilsteppy's picture

PS - BM doesn't work because she's lazy. She got fired a few years back & never bothered looking for a job. Sits on her fat rump all day, sleeps when she wants, eats when she wants, and leaves the kids with her mom so she can go gallivanting around town drinking & whoring it up.

She was showing SD some pictures on her phone while my husband was around. If you tip her phone to the side a bit, the pictures automatically flip. Well, SD managed to tip her phone enough & land on a pic of her mother topless. Nice move "mom". Nice. :jawdrop:

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Ewwww that reminds me of when DH and I first started dating and we saw a video BM² had recorded playing "finger in the grand canyon" I mean finger in the hole. Disgusting!

justperfectlyflawed's picture

Evilsteppy---your stepkids BM sounds like my stepkids a T! LOL..but she just recently got fired from her job..and she never worked prior when she was married to my boyfriend (almost 2 years ago) and her mother who is going to croak sooner than later still babies her and takes care of her and won't let her adult daughter fall on her face or be an adult....

The stepkids are ALWAYS at their grandparents house..and what is funny boyfriend still has a good relationship with his ex father in law and ex brother and sister in law...and they like me too. They invite me over to their homes and they always just shake their heads at the stupid crap their sister (The BM) does or who she is letting live off the child support money or whatever....until he finds someone better of course. It is just really sad that some people just don't understand....don't get it.. and think about themselves not their children.

We have a SS who is almost 9. SD who is 10 and SD who is 7. The SS is a momma's boy and is JUST like her I have been told. If he does not get his way he has a temper tantrum..anything we cook he hates and doesn't want to eat...(but he is made to eat by his daddy) and nothing is ever good enough... when he realizes he won't get dessert, or to do something fun with his sisters..he sucks up and tries to act like an angel. He defies me EVERYTIME I correct him and if I ask him to stop doing something he gets that evil smile on his face and does it again right in front of me. UGH! I was told to spank him by his dad..but I don't feel right--since I am the step mom but..maybe I should. (Lord knows what he will tell his mom though) We do time out but dad sometimes spank..and Spanking does not phase him at all.

I understand our own flesh and blood can be this way but it is even worse when its step kids because the poor kids are being kids AND having to go through the B.S. of divorce and living with the consequences of their screwed up mom. We can not make sense out of nonsense!

Evilsteppy's picture

Oh boy JPF, yeah your situation does sound a lot like mine! I have "disengaged" from skids. I still talk to them, smile with them, laugh with them, etc, but I WILL NOT parent them unless I have to. Not my kids, not my job.

I am usually the first one up in the morning because I work days & DH works afternoons. So, if I'm up and either one (or both) of the skids get up, sure I will get them something to drink & something to eat but then dad gets woken up and takes care of them.

We had too many problems in the beginning where he would do what he wanted while HIS kids were here and I worked my ass off and got treated like crap. So I stopped. I told him "I'm done. Raise your kids. They need their dad since their mom is worthless."

So he does. It took time, but he finally got it that I WON'T do it. And I would never lay a hand on them since Psycho all ready has it out for me so bad. Nope, not going to spank them. Not my job. And sure not worth some crazy crap happening because I did.

So now skid weekends are my weekends that I am productive & get things done like housework, shopping, laundry, etc. Smile

And after she accused us of vamprism (Yes, I'm serious!!!), I won't be left alone with the skids either. DH wants to go do something, ok fine, he takes his kids or leaves them with his dad (which he won't do).

Frankly, he's really blossomed as a parent. He's a good dad! And it's not that I don't care about the skids, I do. They just drive me bonkers.

Gabriels Mom's picture

HAHA Vampirism. I LOL'd at that one. I was accused of being a witch because I'm not Christian. I am pagan. Doesn't make me a witch...just a pagan.

justperfectlyflawed's picture

Insane..Vampirism? Good luck...Just went through havoc with SS.

Evilsteppy's picture

Yes, basically it boiled down to vamprism.

SS showed her how he "plays doctor", which was to get the most knife-like toy out of his toy box & pretend to cut himself, then pretend to lick the blood off the blade...

This of course MUST mean that DH & I are (as she said) "Cutting each other in front of the kids & then drinking each other's blood in front of them."


Uh what????

That one actually made me LAUGH to the point of tears. I had been accused of being a lot of things in my life, but that was the first & only time I've been basically accused of vamprism!