Some BM Trollers on this Site are Reviewing my Book!!
The "you knew what you were getting into" BM troller crowd on this site are reviewing my book and panning this site as well! Apparently I'm a bitter old prune who dares to believe in old fashioned parenting and not lax free-ranging that is now popular especially amongst "non intact" families.
Heh heh!
Actually I doubt they even read the book, just panning it due to "my kid can do no wrong" philosphy"
- Auteur's blog
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How do you know? Is this
How do you know? Is this book for sale already? How are they reviewing it? I totally wanted to see the book! Oh, thanks for the e-mail, was good for some laughs!!
Yep it's for sale and has
Yep it's for sale and has some reviews. The BM stalkers are out in full force! LOL!
I can't wait to buy it!!
I can't wait to buy it!! Heading over to Amazon now
Let them rage.... I manage
Let them rage.... I manage some of these "free range" raised young people and let me tell you it is a night mare. No boundaries, no expectations, just getting to work on time is too much to ask of them. But they can text, email, twitter, and talk on the phone all at the same time and still manage not to get anything accomplished.
I raised my child as you put it "the old fashioned way" she is independent, happy, healthy, and educated...and she doesn't think anyone owes her anything.
The great thing is I respect her! I wish I had been as wise and driven as she is at 30yrs old.
Auteur...let them continue, it will only draw more attention to the book!
And what is a Secondwifex2?
And what is a Secondwifex2? One of the reviewers (who obviously didn't even READ it) has that for her name.
Is she the second wife twice? Couldn't be the first wife even once?
Maybe that is why she is upset, she is used to taking the crumbs off the table.
"she is used to taking the
"she is used to taking the crumbs off the table"
As long as they bought it,
As long as they bought it, who cares...goes to show you where the CS money is going to lol
Actually it doesn't even look
Actually it doesn't even look like they bought it. There is no "Amazon Verified Purchase" associated with the troller's reviews. They are basing their "reviews" on Auteur's blogs on this site, I'm sure.
Figures. Someone must have
Figures. Someone must have decided to go notify the psychos at iVillage. Probably never bought and read the book. Just looking at the situation through their own biased eyes.
If single women avoided men with children how ever would the bio-fathers be able to pay their massive Child Support obligations?!? THAT is the real love/hate relationship between BMs and SMs. Who would be their free built-in babysitter??
Exactly!! Because these
Exactly!! Because these PASinator BMs are so playing into the "divorce industry" and "CPS police" I hope to scare enough potential SMs so they can really feel it in the CS wallet.
Rather than the current situation of the PASinator BM and biodad biting the hand that indirectly feeds them (SM), I hope it causes the potential SM to boycott this type of non parenting scenario. The goose can only lay golden eggs for so long. How's that for a two fer cliche fest?
The goose can only lay golden
The goose can only lay golden eggs for so long.
My, how I do agree with this statement! LOL.
yep and if the goose can fly
yep and if the goose can fly away before she starts laying golden eggs for the PASinator BM to indulge with, so much the better!
Something about not casting
Something about not casting your pearls before swine, I think. The Poster Child for Sterilization/Queen of All Narcissists would not think it applies to her.
Considering the source, I'd
Considering the source, I'd consider it a huge endorsement for the book!
And here I thought I had kept
And here I thought I had kept my "caustic" tone down in the book!!
It's more of an indictment on the SYSTEM that has caused lax parenting than anything else. Of course those caught up in the SYSTEM are going to spin it as a diatribe against their widdle babykins.
Congratulations!!!!!!!! So
Congratulations!!!!!!!! So incredibly delighted for you! Wow - a published author. You must be SO proud of your self and rightly so. Take a bow, girlfriend. You deserve it!!!!!!!!