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Every summer, FDH and I are supposed to take the kids for a week (a VERY LONG week at that!). Well, every summer, BM always-always-ALWAYS creates some kind of drama (IDK I think she finds it uncomfortable when she actually gets her way so she needs to stir sh*t up to make things feel "normal"). For example, 2 summers ago, the day we were supposed to take SD9 out to dinner with the grandparents, FDH told BM that he needed an extra weekend off (from getting the kids) for an event with work - BM's reaction? Not "OK we'll work something out", but "Bring back my daughter NOW!" So, SD missed out on a nice dinner with grandma and grandpa...BTW, this daughter now lives full-time with her maternal grandfather as BM can't handle her Sad

Anyway, just last week, BM didn't get her (spending money) on time, so she texts FDH saying he's a "f*ckin loser" and that he "doesn't care that his kids are starving" (and this was the same BM who was bragging about getting over $16 grand from the gov't last month and spending it on a 3D TV...well, wouldn't you know it, her cable was cut off so now they're staring at a $3000 TV that doesn't even work!). So, we just let it go because what else are you gonna do with a psychotic narcissistic sociopath, right? Anyway, FDH told me that he's not going to play into her crap anymore so he's not going to be picking up the kids at all. Well, just today, she texts FDH (being all "nice" and sh*t), asking what week we want to take the kids. Um, you've GOT to be kidding me! :jawdrop: Just days ago, she was ranting and raving about what a low life FDH is, and now (now that she's got her money), she wants us to take the kids?!? Anyway, he simple told her "You won't be seeing me this summer", and boy, did she go off.

Among the profane names she called him, she told him that the kids wouldn't be in our "f*ckin wedding" this fall. I burst out laughing at this because she doesn't want them in our wedding anyway (she joked one weekend that the kids "would be sick that day"), but NOW she's making it seem like we'd be at a disadvantage if they're not there. Can I say R...O...F...L...M...A...O...??? I was like "Oh, so they won't be at the wedding now? And we won't have to tell SS10 to eat with his mouth closed in front of our guests? And we won't have to tell them to stop fighting and jumping on the chairs and trying to break everything (because, y'know, it's fun to be destructive)??? Oh my, whatever will we do then?" *oozing sarcasm*

I understand that BMs are psychotic in their own deranged way and we can't change that, but it just BAFFLES me how...ARRRGGGGHHHHHH...they are! I mean, COME ON! HOW DO THEY FUNCTION ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS LIKE THIS??? I mean, SHE's the one spending her money stupidly on things they don't need and can't afford; THEN, she's got the BALLS to turn it around on FDH about not having any money to buy food! And didn't she just get a new puppy? And forget THAT - what's the PUPPY eating??? *facepalm* FDH showed the texts to his dad and his dad told him not to get the kids - he's experienced enough of BM's bullcrap to know what she's like. And we're still in the process of dropping a portion of her CS (which is supposed to go to SD11, but she doesn't come over anymore and she doesn't even live at home, so obviously, BM is keeping that money for herself; and to top it all off, they have brainwashed her into calling FDH by his first name and not "daddy", even though he's been the only real father figure in her life).

BUT on the lighter side of things, I won't have to deal with the skids for awhile Biggrin It's bad that we take things out on them to spite BM, but they need to learn as well that you don't "bite the hand that feeds you". They get their bratty entitled attitudes from BM. Every time they come over, they always expect things and to go places; and when we DO go places and get them things, they complain that "daddy's place is too boring, I don't wanna come back" :? At least our 5-yr-old BS will be free of their disgusting behaviour for awhile Wink