Dear letters you wish you could say to the BM but you don't just to keep the peace.
HAHAHA. Dear Stupid hippo your plan backed fired. You went out and purchase something that cannot be even used and needs to be train. You thought by purchasing this my husband would run down there possibly stay couple nights at your house to get this point blanked train. I guess you thought you seen it as an opportunity that he would trade me off to do so because he would never go against his daughter since you like using the kids for that purpose.
I know one thing. I would never do my daughter that way. I would never and went and purchase something so dangerous in hopes to lure the ex back in my life in hopes that he knew this thing is dangerous for the daughter to be around. You suck as a mother and still self served.
You are still using entrapments to work for you. How disgusting!
We together know better. We together are true people of experience in that area and I would never ever purchase something so dangerous for SD. She would for sure get something more fitting.
OMG you are so damn hilarious
Just so you know. I rule my husband’s world. There is nothing you can do or use your kids to lure him back to your disgusting ways. It has been 5 years now and you have not won yet! Get the F – over it!
- Ghost Rider's blog
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I just did a blog on this
I just did a blog on this lol, mine was email I wish I could send. Here is mine.
Dear Cuntzilla,
Let me start with you need to stop choking on the bitter pill swallow it already. He is with me, it’s been 3+ years stop swinging from is D*&K. You look like a pathetic, desperate scorned woman. You are nothing to him just his “baby momma”. Your lame attempts at getting him to notice you are to say the least laughable. Look in the mirror you look like and AIDS Patient, the anorexic Karen Carpenter look went out when she did. You look like a 10 year old boy with scary hair; you have no ass, no boobs and NO curves. For F*&ksake eat a cheese burger and brush your hair. Who ever told you messy hair was in style LIED!
Moving on, your kids are the most badly behaved kids I have EVER met in my life. They lack discipline and respect. This is your job as their mother to teach them these things. You dump them off every chance you get because you can’t stand to be around the monsters YOU created. Every weekend or day off you have if they are not with BF and I, you are either asking us to take them or dumping them off on BF’s Mom. PSA the only reason she says yes to you all the time is because the poor woman lives in fear that if she says no to you, you will not let her see her Grandkids. Nice job you are a f&^king tool.
Feeding, bathing and clothing your kids DOES NOT make you a mother! You spend NO time with those little boys. They are starving for your attention and all you car about is playing with your new d*&k. I know how this works, as soon as your new piece of meat sees you for the ugly person you really are he will dump your sorry ass. You will then need your accessories back to make you look like MOTY. You need a slap in the face with reality and I am just the bitch to do it. You pay NO rent, NO utilities, your only expense is feeding and clothing your kids and yet you badger BF for more money. I heard the conversation between the boys and BF yesterday morning. How F*&KING dare you tell those boys they cant have this or that because daddy doesn’t pay. You idiot your little boys should not be involved in that.
Here are a few tips on mothering. First teach them some respect the need it, they jump and run all over the house like it’s a playground, the DO NOT listen to save their lives, they answer back like they are adults. You are raising spoiled, self entitled brats who need a good spanking. It is really no surprise since you yourself was raised this way and is still getting hand outs from Mommy, Daddy and Grandma.
It’s simple when you get home from work, you feed them, bath them and instead of letting them run wild and dismantle your house, spend time with them read a book, watch a movie, play a game. Don’t worry about the computer and all your fake friends on you Mommy websites or stalking me on Facebook, invest some time with your boys. Ohh all of your antics are being documented lol watch out the pendulum is swinging and it’s going to hit you right between the eyes.
Love Me!
Dear Cuntzilla I can't
Dear Cuntzilla
I can't help but to like that :jawdrop:
Oh I have a few, Cuntarella,
Oh I have a few, Cuntarella, Twat Waffle,Golden Uterus if I am in a good mood lol
Dear Crazy, Please stop
Dear Crazy,
Please stop telling your daughter how miserable you were when you and her father divorced, especially since you got a new marriage license the day of your divorce from my husband.
Also, please stop talking about what a bad father he is, since it was you who allowed your daughter to dress like a slut at age 8, continued supporting her possible new career as a slut and because of this, you are now the proud mother of a high school dropout, with two kids at age 17.
And before I leave, can you please let your daughter know how much YOU actually spend of YOUR OWN money on your daughter? Since you pay no rent, it seems to me that all the needs and wants of your daughter are paid for in full by my husband. In addition, before you tell her to ask her dad for money because you can't afford it since you have two other kids, oops, now 3 other kids, please cross your legs and stop being a baby for which the US working public has to pay for.
Sometimes I this Cunt or any
Sometimes I this Cunt or any form of it is too good for her since she doesn't have the depth or the warmth lol. The urban dictionary has become my favorite website
Dear Psycho Slut, You bring
Dear Psycho Slut,
You bring nothing but pain and heartache everywhere you go, and now you want to make amends for taking my stepson away from all of us for several months just because you were "mad". F*%K YOU. I don't like you, respect you or trust you. I've tried to be nice, and every time, you stabbed us in the back. So I'm done playing nice. You can get bent.
Stop trying to get my husband back. He loves me, not you, and he isn't going anywhere. Why do you need him anyway? You've only had like 9 boyfriends in the last year, so pick one of them to play games with and leave us alone. Also, stop showing up at my house crying and whining about what a bad mother you are. News flash sweetie: we already know you're a bad mother. We don't need you to tell us. In 3 years, you haven't done a single thing that put your son first. It's what YOU want, then you consider him as an afterthought. How about if instead of whining, you grow up and just start being a better mother? Oh, that's right. Then you'd have nothing to whine about to make people feel sorry for you.
Stop trying to get dirt on me from my inlaws. There isn't any "dirt" to find. It just makes you look stupid, desperate and immature. When are you going to realize that I'm not like you? I don't have anything to hide, but I could come up with enough dirt on you to write a novel. Quit pretending you're perfect. We know your last husband kicked you out because you were cheating. We know you cheated on my husband too; why do you think we asked for a DNA test, you stupid b*&%h?
By the way, why are we paying you child support? Your kid lives with us about 3 weeks out of the month, and the other week, he's at my inlaws. What are you doing with that money? You sure as hell aren't spending it on him. If you were, you'd stop asking my inlaws for more money to get things that he needs. Apparently HE needed that new car huh? Did HE need all those new clothes and shoes of yours too?
Some advice: quit going out partying all the time and chasing men, and start taking care of your child. He's selfish, whiny, ungrateful, hateful and has this sense of entitlement that I don't understand. I really hate that he's turning out to be just like you. You aren't helping him in any way, and you're giving him a disadvantage in life. And he's going to be worthless, just like you, if you don't grow up and teach him something worthwhile. I hope you decide his well-being is more important than your own, but I doubt it.
Anyway, going to go enjoy my family now. MY family, not yours. You remember that, and I won't have to "remind" you later...
AWWWW the Victum Syndrome.
AWWWW the Victum Syndrome. Yea we deal with that too. Awww poor meeeeeeeeeeeee! Makes my guts turn!
Right?! She's just getting
Right?! She's just getting worse too. And every time, I so badly wanna say "Suck it up and grow up. Life sucks, but you have a CHILD to take care of. Deal with it and quit f$%&ing whining!"
Mine kills me because she
Mine kills me because she whines about being a single mother, UMMM you left him, you chose this not him. I have been a singel Mother for years, and when you knowingly chose to leave the father of your children you take on more responsibility. He thinks he shoud drop what he is doing including school and work to be at her beck and call, to babysit or pick up kids or drop kids off, and he does when he can but he is going to school to better himself to get a better paying job and working a shit job to pay her and contribute to "our" home. NOTHIHNG is ever good enough for her. Don't go to work but fuck you pay me, don't go to school but fuck you pay me. The best is she DOESN'T pay any rent or utilities, she has NO over head other then the boys and works FT and as soon as Bf say no I can't today I have work or school she goes on her rant about how she supports a household of 3!! NO bitch you don't your Grandmother supports the household, you feed and cloth your children and spend the rest of YOU, new car, tanning, new clothes ALL the time, and not Mandees or Dots, name brand clothes. All of this would be fine if she didn't cry poverty all the time!!! She is always BROKE!
We have the same
We have the same problem...nothing we do is ever good enough, and she always wants more than she deserves.
And I was a single mom too. My ex left when my oldest was 18 months and I was 4 months pregnant. He left me with no money and I didn't have a job. WTF? In her case, her husband got rid of her because of her own mistakes. And she moved back here and my inlaws started baby-ing her. I guess I just look at it as-if I could handle what happened to me, why can't she handle her situation that isn't even that bad?
The only upside is, my husband isn't working right now. So I more or less control the money. And I pay the child support to keep him outta trouble, but that's all she's getting. She isn't getting a damn thing "extra" from me!
i did send a message to fdh's
i did send a message to fdh's sm last year when i found out that her and fdh's dumb ass female "friend" were stalking my fb page, trying to find scandal in everything i said, and talking about me non stop behind my back. i haven't heard a word out of the bitch since then. i guess she was expecting me to never find out, or if i did, just keep quiet out of fear. :? dumb bitch. for your reading pleasure, i will copy and paste it here.
"i understand there are questions you have been asking people about me that they can't answer. i don't understand why you aren't coming directly to me if you want to know something, but i'll try to remember what it was you wanted to know and answer them for you.
am i cheating on fdh? well, do you really think i would tell you if i was? whatever your spy has told you they saw on my page clearly wasn't what you and spy think it was, because if i was cheating, i wouldn't be broadcasting it on FB, i would have an email account set up just for communicating with my "boyfriend". i'm not stupid. the answer however, is NO, i'm not cheating on fdh. as for the hours he works giving me time to cheat, he is gone with the only vehicle we have, so how am i going to get anywhere? i am home with 2 teenage girls and a 3 year old, so would i really be sneaking someone over? that's just ridiculous and i can't believe you would even think such a thing.
why is my house always a mess? why does this even concern you? you don't live here. i don't concern myself with the condition of your house. furthermore, my son is a very difficult child and even finding time to go to the bathroom with him around is hard. i turn my back for one minute, and he has something destroyed. he only behaves with i'm sitting near him doing absolutely nothing. i depend on naptime to get anything done, and he doesn't always take a nap. i have over a month to go before he's in school and i get a few hours a day to get things done. comparing him to niece is ridiculous. he is NOT niece. he is BS. he will grow and mature at his own rate, not at niece's. he has his own personality, not niece's. i don't appreciate you making assumptions, such as that i'm just lazy and don't do anything, when you don't know the facts and don't care enough to ask.
why am i not working? i have unemployment coming in and i go to school. fdh has told me he does not want me to go back to work, he wants me to finish school and get a job i like. so that is what i'm doing. i'm not just sitting around, not contributing and spending all his money while i cheat on him right under his nose. why are you worried about our finances, anyway? we are fine and have never asked you for anything.
you can't believe the way i talk about this house. this house is not what it may have been when you lived here many years ago. the foundation is crumbling, the walls have huge cracks in them, the wallpaper is peeling, the bathroom has completely fallen apart, the basement floods constantly, my son has gotten slivers from the floors that have yet to be replaced. i have put plenty of money into this house since i've been here, and i am the one who lives here and has to deal with all of it's problems, so i have every right to say whatever i want to about it. i stay and deal with it because i love fdh and he seems to have an emotional attachment to this place. that doesn't mean i have to love it, too. my family put a lot of money and a whole lot of work into the kitchen. so again, it's not like i don't do my share around here.
am i pregnant? if i was, don't you think that would be up to fdh to tell you, not you to be asking around? why do you even think that? it makes no sense for me to be pregnant if fdh and i are "having problems"? what makes you think we're having problems? because i get annoyed and say so sometimes? big deal. i can be annoyed without it meaning i hate him and am planning to leave him. i really don't think something as personal as whether or not we have done anything to result in a pregnancy is something you have any business asking around about in the first place.
am i mean to sd? what does that even mean? what do you think i'm going to do to her, tell her she's not welcome here? we had our issues IN THE PAST and i think she's grown up enough to admit to her part in those problems. if you think i'm a danger to her in some way, why aren't you telling fdh about it?
i really don't understand your problem with me as i have never done anything to you or anyone in your family, but i won't be losing any sleep over it. just know that you can ask me directly if you want to know something, because the FB spying is immature and ridiculous, and you won't get any real answers from speculating. if it's on my FB page, it's clearly not something i feel the need to hide."
i was pregnant and sicker than a dog, that's why she thought that, but that pregnancy was unannounced and ended in a stillbirth at 21 weeks. as for my comment about sd, i was clearly wrong about that. she has not grown up enough to admit her part in our problems, i gave her way too much credit for that. my mistake for thinking that being 18-19 was old enough to know how to behave. and i'm sure that "being mean" in her view meant that i was not kissing sd's ass. so if that's what she expected me to do, then yeah, i was being mean.
So sorry to hear about your
So sorry to hear about your baby, sweetie
Don't you just love how people try to find things out about you behind your back? All because they don't have the balls to just ask you? We have the same problem with his ex. She constantly goes behind my back, but won't ever ask me. Good for you for standing up for yourself!
thank you. you know what's
thank you. you know what's really funny to me is that if that bitch wanted to see what i was saying on fb so bad, she could have sent me a friend request. but no, it was more fun and seemed more sneaky to have someone else on my list spy for her. i guess it was easier to find scandal in my words by getting them without my knowledge.
BM does that then cries to BF
BM does that then cries to BF about what she "thinks" I said about her. Fucking tool! Then she tells BF I have a hard on for her YET she is the one ALWAYS stalking my FB. I can't pee without her knowing lol. If I say I cleaned the cat shit she thinks it's about her. So happy to be here she hasn't found me yet. FB no good, tumblr nope found me there too! But I have a hard on for her LMAO TOOL!
the running back and tattling
the running back and tattling about what was said is exactly why i save all of my messages and texts. none of them dumb bitches is going to say i said something i didn't, or that they didn't say something they did. that message is almost a year old, and i don't plan on deleting it any time soon. i watch my back and keep my bases covered. sd has tried to tattle to fdh before by fwd'g my texts to her to him. i just laughed and told her "nice try, but your dad has already seen what i sent you. i don't keep secrets from him". i'm sure that ruined her day because she really thought she was going to get me in trouble. that is something i've never understood about her, how she thinks she can tell on me to her dad and i will get in trouble like a little kid... :?
The ex has tried this with me
The ex has tried this with me too. She makes up stuff to tell my husband and my inlaws to try to get them mad at me. But it never works, thank god.
People like that don't really
People like that don't really care about the truth. They'd rather take everything you say and twist it into something bad. Some people just feed on drama, and try to use deception to get their way. You can be proud that you're better than that
Dear Crazy Ugly Bitch, Oh,
Dear Crazy Ugly Bitch,
Oh, never mind. You are just not worth it.
Dear Flake, SS8 never
Dear Flake,
SS8 never comments on your very extended absences. SS8 pleads with us not to make him go with you. SS8 tells all his teachers and friends that I am his mom. SS tells me he loves me every night after our special bed time routine, and at least a thousand times before that during the day. SS8 has told me repeatedly that he was in my tummy and when corrected tells me that he wishes that he had been in my tummy, then demands that his father tell him why he did not put him in my tummy (with Daddy Magic - that's where baby's come from). We know that you use drugs. We know that you have used drugs while ss was in your care. We know that you drink to excess, and party on a regular basis. We know that your rights have been removed to the other child that you also showed no interest in. Every time that you have lied to us, we knew you were lying, and we have it all documented. Enclosed are the adoption papers. Sign on the dotted line and return them to the nice officer waiting outside your door.
Daisy and Attorney
DH and Attorney
Dear Crazy Oompa Loompa Baby
Dear Crazy Oompa Loompa Baby Factory,
For the love of God, change your last name back! You got divorced in 2008, and we are ENGAGED. How does the man who fathered your other 2 kids feel about you using your ex's last name, even though you two magically got engaged right after us?
Get a real job. You sat on the couch eating and porking out to make little tax and welfare credits for long enough. Your new BD lost his job, so you went and got a job at a BAR working stupid hours so you don't even spend time with SD when she is at your place.
Stop smoking in your damned apartment. I saw the pic of you on FB holding the baby in front of your computer with a mountain dew and a heaping full ashtray. GROSS, UNSANITARY, and UNHEALTHY. Selfish, self-centered 'ho-bag!
Pajamas are not meant to be worn outside. Or is it too hard to make the effort to put on clothes? Or, no, ARE those your clothes?
The clothing that I sent to your house for your 3 yr old child is not meant to be used as an outfit to return the 8 year old home in. How can you even think it is right to be putting her in that stuff? She is NOT a toddler! Are you ill? We do notice that you steal an outfit every week and send her back in baby clothes for lack of better wording.
We have more stuff because we BOTH work. Not because of any other reason. You should try that out, it's a funny idea, but just go with it.
Good luck, crazie-o, because if your train goes barreling off the track, you will lose the little time you get with SD, GUARANTEED. And good luck to the two other kids you currently have, I hope you are not pregnant again.
-The stuck-up snob (cause I wear big sunglasses)
OMG You ladies are funny!
OMG You ladies are funny! Just reading these is making my day!