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Ghost Rider's Blog

6 years now I'm sick of it

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I am bouncing back and forth thinking about a divorce

I spent 5 years trying to get pregnant and it never happen. I sometimes have a snakey
suspicion that he is fixed and scared to tell me.
he knows from the beginning I always wanted my own child.
if I ever find out he is fixed. there will be a fast divorce

Honey listen to the radio to win tickets for my little girl......

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That is what my husband ask of me this morning. He would be the greatest dad in the world if he could get these tickets for his daughter.

Yea right. I am going to sit here and listen all day for Taylor Swift tickets. I have been wanting George Strait Tickets for myself and I will not take time to win those tickets for myself.

Sorry. I am not wasting my time on such crap!

B***H and Gripe, Roll Eyes! Sometimes I feel like giving up.

Ghost Rider's picture

Here we are we have hit hard times. We been on this hard time since we got married. It makes me wonder the hell I have went through after marrying him is even worth it. It seems I lost more shit then gaining.

Anyway my husband decides to bitch today. He is alllll upset because he is having a hard time on how to fit in the idea of buying big items for his little girls for Christmas!

Unfotunately: He is working and I am not. It has been like this since 2011 till now about a year since I have not had a job.

FB Stocker

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OMG this is like the lowest of the lows. YOU have got to be desperate if you have to make up and ID to become friends with somebody on facebook when you were not accepted to begin with. I cannot believe all alone she has been on my list so long though.

Clever twit.....

I didn't think anything at first. I use to play the games on facebook and I would let just a few of my aunts and cousins friends to be on my facebook friends list.

I have been suspicious of this one though. I couldn't figure out why she bothered me so much.

Step parenting, past to the future is just such a mess.

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It is crazy out there and unfortunate we are the majority. More than likely you didn’t marry your high school sweet heart and the marriage isn’t lasting forever. Almost everybody who does not want to be alone is going to end up with a divorce past.

It is crazy.
It is like we are all in a raging mini war and if you really think about it. It is stupid as hell because it is nothing but about


Getting dates mixed up with the ex's

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It has been 5 years now and it seem like my dim wit of a husband can't even remember what month my birthday is in. He keeps thinking it is in the fall and it is in the spring.

He asked me today that he needs to get me a gift soon and I said why. He said I had a birthday coming up. Not really my birthday is in the spring.

Unfortuantely his EX birthday is coming up pretty soon..

He does it every year.

Anybody else's husband does this to them?

He will get my name mixed up with her name every now and then when he is talking to somebody.

Dear letters you wish you could say to the BM but you don't just to keep the peace.

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HAHAHA. Dear Stupid hippo your plan backed fired. You went out and purchase something that cannot be even used and needs to be train. You thought by purchasing this my husband would run down there possibly stay couple nights at your house to get this point blanked train. I guess you thought you seen it as an opportunity that he would trade me off to do so because he would never go against his daughter since you like using the kids for that purpose.

Husband had a memory moment of BM and I could had volmit

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It took me by surprise this morning. We were discussing about the thunder the other day. They were showing on tv that this big thunder hit above the ball park and shook everything and everybody at the ballpark ran!

I kind of giggled and said that had happen couple weeks ago when the SD's were here big thunder hit and they ran however the dog went into attack mode looking for it,

Then he blab out his memory that Him, BM, his cousin and cousin girlfriend was out walking one day and a big thunder hit and he grab BM and hit the ground.
