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Bwa hahaha! SD16 trying to talk about her classes

Helena.Handbasket's picture

for next year and college later??

I had to just stay away in the other room. I would never have been able to suppress my nonverbal reactions.

She had the nerve after the Fs and Ds last year (one semester of good grades though) to talk about how she's going to be taking harder classes like trigonometry this year. Oh and how she loves english because it comes so easy to her, but other classes she doesn't like cause they are harder. I would be embarrassed to talk about school in any form if I were her after her grades. She has no sense whatsoever.

SO wastes so much air chatting about college with her. I think it was mainly for SS since he is on top of his grades still, but oh what a laugh.


lilsadone's picture

Isn't it hilarious how these girls completely forget their past... even if it was only a matter of weeks ago that they were failing all their classes! The minute they bring home ONE good grade, the fathers are coddling them all over again.