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SS & SD make me not want to have kids, is this normal?

YoungStep's picture

I love my husband with all of my heart, and I obviously knew and accepted the fact that he has twin entering our relationship. The kids BM is crazy and never spends any time with them, even though she hasn't worked until now, the kids have been raised by babysitters. Needless to say, the kids are behind academically and socially. Most kids want to play together all day and do kid stuff. They don't even want to go outside....even though they have a million outdoor toys at our house. They can't play with out an adult (always me) introducing a game,a toy and how to play. After I leave they come back and say "play with me" or "I'm bored".

I feel bad their mom is F-ed up, but because the custody is 50-50, no matter how hard I work with them, they always come back screwed up and all progress is lost. This isn't just playing, its alot of things but it is all frustrating!!

I'm 25, my husband is 43 . I used to want to kids, but after spending time with his I don't think I that wrong of me? They just drive me insane. And this is horrible, but what if they got their "slow" genes from him? Would I be risking it to have kids? BM made him get a vasectimy , would it be wrong of me if I wanted a sperm donnor?

Orange County Ca's picture

You didn't mention what your husband wants to do regarding bio-children of your your own. If he's assuming that telling you he had the 'v' job done that you would understand that he's done having kids he may very well object to you getting pregnant regardless of the source of the sperm.

I always wonder why men and women marry people with children when there are so many childless people to choose from.

smartone's picture

I can see where you might be discouraged. I already have kids, but if my first experience was with my ex bf's kids, I would choose not to LOL. It's even worse when you have your own kids who are a bit older, because then you have something concrete to compare them to and you REALLY know when the skids are "off." You are still young, though. You'll figure it out!