Saw this on someone else's blog- a great parenting quote that hits home
"I am not responsible for fixing everything for my kids. I am not responsible for their happiness. You're bored? Okay. That's your choice. What are YOU going to do about YOUR boredom? Your brother is irritating? Well, welcome to life. People are irritating. What are YOU going to do so that you can enjoy your day even when other people don't do what you want them to do? Instead of controlling your brother, what can you do to control your own reaction?
I am here to be a resource, to give you tools, to teach you. But I am not here to make sure everything goes perfectly and solve every problem--real or perceived--that you have. If you just want to whine, complain and have me fix your problems, you've come to the wrong place. But if you are ready to problem solve and work on controlling yourself, I am fully on board and will give you my energy."
I know not all of this applies to adult skids, but I think the parts about controlling one's reaction to people who annoy them for whatever reason and the last paragraph really hit home for adult skids. And I think a lot of SMs and their adult skids would be better off if Dad repeated the last paragraph to said skids. Many of these skids know on some level that they have a problem/problems. But they cannot bring themselves to address them in healthy ways. They are masters of whining and complaining.
What they really need is time and space to work their problems out, for people to tell them their behavior is unacceptable, and that there will be no contact with them until they know they are working their problems out, and on themselves. When that point arrives, they will be ready to re-engage/work with them on developing a healthy relationship. But until then, there won't be contact.
Learning to control my own reactions has served me well. Let's face it, most kids aren't great at that. But with practice, I have become a better person for it. It was such a waste of time for me to try to control others when I could have been doing more rewarding things for myself.
My relationship with my dad is awesome. I no longer feel the need to get involved when my stepmother verbally assaults him. He's a big boy who can fend for himself.
What a sad situation. And I
What a sad situation. And I feel for your SD's legal clients too. Your skids probably don't understand how done their dad is. They sound too emotionally stunted to figure it out.
I think the best thing DH can do at this point is to cut these toxic people out of his life. This applies to stepkids, us, and bioparents. It's sad that a father has to do that to his own children, but I think he'd really feel a lot better by doing that. And they have shown they don't give a hoot about him.
Would he consider getting
Would he consider getting counseling to help him cope with this? That's got to be a hard pill to swallow.
Honestly, I am printing this
Honestly, I am printing this one out for my DH. And highlighting some of it. You could be us hypovic. It is the same story. Only we went to counseling four times.
They never do ask how he is doing, how is his job, etc. It is always me,me, me with them. "Come dogsit for me, and the guilt trip of you could have babysat your grandson that you never get to see if your wife (SM) would let you watch him for an entire weekend while SD works and is gone 9 hrs a day. (DH never even told me about this guilt trip, I saw the text). "Do this for me, do that for me, rescue me from my financil mess of my own making, buy me a car since I let mine get repossessed. Bail me out of jail...hurry Daddy, come get me now...don't let me spend another night in jail. Let me live here and break up your marriage and let my cat run in all your wifes stuff." Waaa...waaa.waaa. The previouly very content marriage until SD moved in briefly and the other SD started attacking me by text. Texting is such a cowardly thing. They will say things by text they would never try to say to my face.
I am done with his kids, and his whole family in general. I will be civil to his parents. But I will not go out of my way to visit them ever again. They live 4 hours away with the BIL so that makes that easier. None of them are interested in the life DH and I have together. So I will have it with him only and with my family and friends who give a flip about us.
So glad I found this blog site. I would have been plastered to the ceiling without it. I am better now...but find that occasional maintenance doses of reality help out when DH is acting like he forgot what they did and are still doing to our marriage.
This is a good quote to bookmark. Thank you for posting.
Just edited a bit and emailed
Just edited a bit and emailed this to the OH...
I have been trying to explain this to him for months but it hasn't been getting through - hopefully this will help him see it.