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Wake the f#&% up! (language)

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

Anybody ever read the bedtime story Go the f**k to sleep? If you have small children, its great for a laugh. Samuel L Jackson did the Audible version, its great.

We don't have the problem at our house. SS17 has made an art out of naptime. The boy sleeps all the time. The twins have slept through the night since 2 months. My DH for the lifeof him just will not wake up in the mornings, it drives me insane, so I'm gonna write my own version titled Wake the Fuck up!

Its 10am love, I've been up since 7
You have a drs appt at 11
So wake the fuck up!

Last nights dishes aren't done
Sd14 is still asleep and I have no clean bottles
We leave in 30 minutes
So wake the fuck up!

I have phone calls to make, things to do
I need to get dressed and the babies do too
So wake the fuck up!

I gave you your medicine an hour ago,
you should have no more pain
But I'm starting to go insane
Because you wont wake the fuck up!

You know what?
I don't care, I'm not going
Be late, I don't give a shit
I don't care if you ever wake the fuck up!


dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

love it Smile

dreadingit's picture

Love it, and I LOVE Sam L's version. HILARIOUS!
If I wrote my own version, it would be titled Shut the fuck up!

lilsadone's picture

I love it Sams version too! If you haven't heard it (other people reading this) you can find it on youtube, easy.