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BM is so much more important than her children. I am so sick of this!

SteppingUp's picture

I really need to start blogging here again more often! I've realized it was such a good way not only to vent, but also to keep record of the crazy crap that BM does. We're trying to keep documentation but that gets so hard to keep up with at times. I've just got a few things to vent about today! They prove - for the zillionth time - that to BM, she is more important than her kids.

First, I had to practically hold BM's hand while signing up SS4 for t-ball. I actually emailed her a month BEFORE the cut off date about signing him up. Then a week before the cut off date (since we are EOW we HAVE to work with her on the schedule, otherwise we'd just sign him up and take him ourselves, plus she's supposed to pay for extra curriculars). A month after the sign up she emails me asking me when was the sign up? After emailing her screen shots of what to click on the park district's website, she finally figured out how to see the schedule. Then I had to find a phone number for her to call to see if we can still get in (believe me I offered to do it all but she refused and said she would do it, but knowing her she would put it off and never do it so I kept forcing the issue/holding her hand through it). So we get SS4 signed up, hooray! Then we have to figure out how we're going to work out getting SS7 to her gymnastics class on Tuesday nights as that night overlaps between the two sports. So I make a schedule, send it to BM as a suggestion, and she says that will work out perfectly! Hooray again, for a successful interaction with BM! Even if I DID have to hold her hand...

Then I ask, "Does SS4 need a mitt and bat and ball for t-ball or do they supply it?" She tells me she will check on that.

My husband and I went on a vacation. Came back and the next day was t-ball. We asked BM again if she found out whether he needs a mitt and bat? She never made an effort to find out. So DH calls the park district to find out and yes, he does. So DH runs on his half hour lunch break to get one -- mind you, BM had had 2 weeks to figure that out herself but she doesn't care, so she won't do it. (I know, I know, we should know better by now and just do everything ourselves instead of trying to see if she'll step up to the plate.)

Later we find out that BM will not be coming to watch her son play tball for the first time, because SHE IS PLAYING BEACH VOLLEYBALL AT A BAR! Oh wait, so what is going to happen with SD7 going to gymnastics that night???? (the plan was that BM would take her on Tuesdays). Guess who doesn't get to go to gymnastics this session becase BM is playing volleball herself on Tuesday nights? Poor SS7!!!! And of course WE had to break the news to her that she wasn't signed up for gymnastics...BM never even bothered to tell her. I was SOOO LIVID but of course couldn't really show it to the kids...but I'm still livid about it! BM's "Excuse" was that she had signed up for a different night but her team got switched to Tuesday. Any normal mother would say, "Oh then I can't do it that night, my kids are in sports." Oh but here's the kicker...she never once called or texted at aLL last week to see how t-ball went. Her 4 year old son is in a new sport, and you don't even care to see how it went????? (Nor did she make an effort to come to watch him on Thursday's practice either, although no volleyball that night!).

So I emailed her the next day and said, just to be sure, is our schedule back to normal then becase we were doing something different to have SD7 get to gymnastics? She said yes, "my life is just too crazy right now and I didn't have the money to put her in gymnastics last week. So she'll be in it next time, but I dont really understand what class she is supposed to sign up for this time? I will have to ask Daughter because she usually knows what's going on." UGH!!! She doesn't have a clue what the hell is going on with her kids, she relies on her 7 year old daughter to tell her what gymnastics class she should be in????? And I SOOOOOOO wanted to write back to her, "Yeah it must be hard to pay for things like that when you're spending your $1k child support check on your bar tab." (of course I didn't!)

THEN the very next day, I'm tucking in SS7, and she says, "SteppingUp? Can you text my mommy and ask her to bring my medicine tomorrow? She said she was going to yesterday and she obviously forgot.....*sigh* she forgets everything." A 7 year old should not be worrying about this stuff when she goes to bed!!!!!

I had told BM the day before we went on vacation that SS7's medicine would be out in a day or 2 (she's taking oral meds for warts, fyi) so she could get a refill right away. So guess what? BM STILL - 2 weeks later -- had not refilled her medicine!!!! WTF!!!! Again BM's excuse, no money, but she gets paid this week, blah blah blah.

Oh, and then one day when it was BM's week, I picked up BS from day care and she (daycare) was telling SS4 to go put his shorts back on because he was wearing pj pants. I asked if he had an accident and she said no....that his shorts were so tight he was crying!!! She said there is no way that BM didn't know that either, because he needed help getting them over his butt!!! I peeked at the size and they were size 2t shorts. He's in a size 6!!!!!! Yet wouldn't you know, I've NEVER, EVER, EVER seen BM wear the same thing twice. EVER.

(And as one more side note....BM just went to Vegas last month, and recently a long weekend trip to see a boy toy out of state. Yet she couldn't pay $100 for gymnastics nor refill kids medicine.)


LizzieA's picture

Just stamp "LOSER" on her forehead. Seriously what a POS. The kids are lucky to have you.

SteppingUp's picture

I soooo want to say that to her -- what would you do without me??? I'm the one who figures out schedules and stays on top of homework and crap like that. And personally, I'm the type that if it were the opposite I'd want to work harder as a mom, not let stepmom take over all this stuff. But she could literally care less who does it, as long as she doesn't have to put more than 10% effort in.

B22S22's picture

Being the person I can be sometimes (which is not very nice)... I would actually delight a little in pointing out all of these no-go's to the BM.

Can't she do one single thing correctly/on time/for someone other than her??

SteppingUp's picture

I know! She wrote me in an email something like "Ugh, I can't keep this stuff straight!" and I soooo wanted to say back to her, "Yes, parenting is not your strong point." hahahah! God I would have loved to see her face on that one.

And no, she cannot do a single thing correctly, nor on time, nor for anyone else that isn't her. If it causes her the TEENIEST bit of a hassle to get somethign taken care of, she won't do it or else she'll put it off until the time has come and gone then say she never got to it, oh well. This is the 4th time she has not signed up SD7 for gymnastics - when it's the only thing that SD7 is in (for extra curriculars) and she LOVES it!

B22S22's picture

p.s., check out the blog by tough as nails (TAN) -- she was just venting about the BM sending SS in toddler-sized undies

SteppingUp's picture

I went did a search for her and thought I found it but when I click the link it won't take me anywhere!

Gabriels Mom's picture

UGH!! I have the same issue with BM. Except I actually can't call, text or email her as I don't exist LOL. I take care of everything but she takes credit for everything I do. She NEVER has the money to pay her half of anything for SS. But of course she has the money to buy new cell phones (she has pay as you go so you know they are expensive) and go on trips with her husband.

She never attended any of SS's football practices until we stopped bringing SS home on her nights. DH told her that we are not going to drive all the way across town from our house to her house to pick him up which is in the complete opposite direction of the fields and then bring him back and then drive back across town to take him to her. She can either bring him or we will pick him up and take him home with us. So she started bringing him on her nights and had a super bad attitude about it-EXTRA BONUS!! LOL

BM stopped talking to people at the field after awhile it ticked her off that everyone always had the same response...they thought I was the mom because I was always there, I did the volunteer obligation, etc. Well you stupid sea donkey if you would actually participate in your kids life and make an effort to be there for him people wouldn't think I was his mother.

B22S22's picture

Rumor had it BM took my SK's to get their eyes checked about 2 months ago. It was during a time when my DH was out of town on business. Now mind you, my DH has worked at the same place since the SK's were born (>15 yrs ago) and they have pretty much had the same insurance coverage which my DH carries on them.

Sk's need glasses. BM calls DH huffing and puffing that she needs to know RIGHT NOW which eye place is covered under DH's insurance because the one she's at is not. So DH calls me and asks me (mind you, DH just got new glasses about 4 months ago, so he told her where he went). I told him to tell her to call the phone number on the back of the insurance card. He said "I'll just have her call you". UM, NO!!!! Don't you dare.

Know what? The SK's still don't have glasses or contacts, and I can see on the website that their eyecare benefits have not been used. I can tell you that the eye place we use is about 5 min from BM's house. But apparently, it's either 1) too much work to get them there, or 2) too expensive.

But she just took them all shopping the other day at Abercrombie and then Hollister. She'll buy them $50 hoodies and some stinky-assed cologne but won't go get them glasses?