Is this "Normal" teenage behavior or is SD just foul?
I haven't posted in a few days, and that's because SD14 returned back to BM's home last Friday. It has been a wonderfully peaceful week! I am now 36wks along, and although SD's bed has not been taken apart and stored away as of yet (of course DH is taking his time with that) I went into the room (which is BD3's room that she shared with SD while she lived with us) which I thoroughly cleaned when she initially moved (for those who aren't familiar with my story she's disgusting) to put away all of the baby gear we received from the shower, and of course I can not do what I need to do because SD decided to leave her disgusting worn underwear (multiple pairs) in one of the dresser drawers (even though she has a hamper, fake hair from braids she wore over to our home was in another drawer along with a busted bottle of nail polish, soda cans (which spilled) and snack wrappers in another. I stripped the bed when she moved and washed everything except one of the pillow cases that I know she never used so I decided to wash that, and as I took the case off old cookies and torn paper fell from the case. SHE WAS ONLY WITH US FOR ONE WEEK!!! BEFORE SHE LEFT OVER A MONTH AGO TO LIVE WITH BM ME AND DH CHEWED HER EAR OFF ABOUT HOW NASTY AND DISGUSTING HER BEHAVIOR WAS, AND MADE HER CLEAN THE REST OF THE ROOM, AND SHE STILL CAME OVER AND SAID FUCK THIS HOUSE AND DID WHAT SHE WANTED!!
I text DH and told him she is no longer allowed her own little space in this house since she has no respect for herself or our home, and I'm tired of it! He didn't get upset, but his response was, "She's a teenager and that's the type of stuff they do."
I don't give a shit! I don't want her in our home period, but I know that's not going to happen....(*sigh*)....Anyhow I'm praying she stays away, and allow us to enjoy our new baby without her bs. I'm very excited and we're only 4wks away!
Try to stay sane you all, and find a little peace if you can
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My kid is pretty nasty. IMO.
My kid is pretty nasty. IMO. I think that some of what you've talked about is normal for kids.
Usually it's the boys that are disgusting like your SD though.
sd13, when i lived with her,
sd13, when i lived with her, disgusted me daily. here is how her room looked the very day i left:
every single clothing item she owned, on the floor of her room. since she refused to bring out dirty clothes to be washed, she wore dirty everything. hadnt done her clothes in 2 months i think.
rotted, mildewed food, plates, cups, bowls....tiny flies flying around the bowls with coddled milk and cereal and icecream.
used tampons on floor.
big round stain on bed.
soda cans, equalling to maybe 2 24pk, all over, most half full.
makeup everywhere. jewlery everywhere. papers everywhere.
towels over the floor, i estimated like 7-8 towels mildewing.
this is how she kept her room, until circumstances called for it to be cleaned and bleached, like his mother coming for a visit. did SHE do it? no. either bf or myself did it, and it took hours.
to me it isnt normal teenage behavior. its lazy behavior. its disgusting. shortly before i left, sd ran away and the cops came and wanted to see her room. before he went in, i took him for a tour of my home, and showed him how every other room, garage included, was clean, neat and organized. when he went into sd's room, he gagged. BUT, he saw that it wasnt US, it was HER.