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Finally Sd6 has won.

janeyc's picture

After more disgusting behavior from Sd6, I've thrown in the towel, its his house so I will have to move out, plus all my family and friends live 350 miles away, Im going to have to move in with my parents ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I just can't stand the stress of living with now ex bf and sd6 anymore, it is a living hell, no manners no respect and thats both of them, though I will have to live with my parents until I get set up again, it will be better than the life I have now, thanks I just needed to vent.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

good for u girl! i did this, and it isnt glamourous and its stressful being a single mom, but NOT dealing with sd13 is so great!

what does your ex say about this, or does he not know yet?

janeyc's picture

Thanks, I do feel much lighter than I have for a while, not happy about having to live with parents though lol, I just could'nt take it anymore, so many people on here say that things get worse as the skid gets older, so I think I've done the right thing.

janeyc's picture

Yes he knows, he can't say anything with Sd in the house, yes I can't wait for the stress to stop, I've been wasting my life waiting for ex bf to get it, he is the weakest man I've ever met.

TASHA1983's picture

Congrats on being strong enough to walk away and realizing that you don't need that bullshit in your life any longer! You deserve WAY BETTER anyways Smile

janeyc's picture

Thanks honey, I realised that my life was more unhappy than happy, Im putting myself first for a change.

lilsadone's picture

Congratulations on getting yourself out of a toxic environment! I know it's hard -- I'm going through the exact same thing right now Smile

allinall's picture

Who's name is on the deed or lease...they can get the hell out. Let him move in with HIS mama!!!!! Trust me...they would need to redefine their definition of rude after I got done with them!!!

Anon2009's picture

I'm sorry. I hope things work out better for you in the future.

SD "won" because your ex let her. He didn't parent her and lets her have too much power.

Orange County Ca's picture

Well don't leave us. You're experiences can help others see that perhaps step-parenting is a bad idea and not marry him or her.

janeyc's picture

Thank you honey, I carry with me the knowledge that I could not have tried harder and that if my ex bf and Sd6 had an ounce of respect or class then I would not be leaving and not have wasted my life for the last 2 yrs, #### both of them, sorry more venting needed and I've enjoyed a few beers lol.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

That's great Janeys that you can acknowledge this in spite of going through this-you tried your very hardest, but without him helping to change things with his brat, you couldn't do anything more.YOu deserve something much better!!:)