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Add this to the list of contempt charges to file

DASKRA's picture

So BM still will not let SO see SD3. It's his night to have her and she is hiding the child. NO litterally hiding her. She is not taking her to daycare/school so he can't get her from there since daycare has refused to stop SO since he is the father after all.

More proof to add to contempt hearing though. We made contact via text, email and voice. She states that SO can have her tomorrow after she gets off work (don't know what time that is going to be anywhere from 6-9 PM) and ONLY if he agrees to return her to her place by 9 AM on friday. Well it's supposed to be his DAY not his HOURS of visitation. ADD that to the list and she is oviously using the child (PAS) to control the situation. We have her doing this on multiple occasions as well. Proof to go with it. So SO works at 5 AM so I told him that he was going to drop her off at BM house on his way to work since I refuse to do it. I have done it before and would you believe that she text me the night before telling me the door is open and to either put her in her bed or in bed with her. Fuck no I am not going into your room where your nasty ass is sleeping. I have put her in her room three different times and BM still sleeps. So i just walk in and make myself at home, Weird if you ask me. I am not doing it anymore though.

She said that if SO did not comply with her demands and agree to HER way that he would not get his daughter at all and it would be HIS fault that he didn't get to see her. Any thoughts on that one?

BTW our attorney is no help either. He can't get shit done.


DASKRA's picture

I have been in there before many times. There is nothing that I saw. I have seen her whole in the wall apartment. She does keep it clean so I would have to dig to find anything. I don't think she is doing any type of drugs. She does drink and will pawn SD3 off on people to go out to the bars and drink. SD3 has even said that "BM is broke because she drinks" I don't know how to take that comming from a 3 year old. She is too young to know about that but we have never said anything to her before, She also said that "BM goes to the bars all the time and Aunty BM watches me" Her sister lives accross the hall from her.

HadEnoughx5's picture

You will be surprised how much a 3 year old knows about the situation they are living in. My niece was 3 when her BM left her alone in the apartment with her younger sisters 1.5 and a baby in the crib, while she was going out getting tanked.

Custody evaluators can work with a child that young through play to find out what's going on.

HadEnoughx5's picture

I have named my drama after soap opera's. Our's is the "Slut and the Faithful" and the new drama with BM and her "ex" boyfriend is called the "The Bitch and the Bewildered"

All seriousness, I would get a new attorney and file an emergency hearing based on BM not following the custody agreement and her hiding the child from him. And that DH is concerned for his child's safety while BM sleeps.

I don't blame you for not kissing BM's ass when it comes to dropping SD off. BM is an asshole for letting a 3 year old to be left alone while she sleeps! I'm sure shit has happened while BM gets her beauty rest.