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Home alone with GUNS

Thiskidwilldrivemecrazy's picture

SS12 will be home alone this evening for a few times(for the first time). Boyfriend has always been OK with it but I haven't and for several valid reasons. Anyway, I HAD to get away from the kid so dear daughter and I are running out to get some things before her graduation in 2 weeks. I asked boyfriend to lock our bedroom door because I don't have gun locks on my pistol and shotgun (never needed them - he's never been there alone before). Boyfriend gets angry and tells me NO he's not and to leave him alone. I said, are you kidding? This is YOUR kid and I DO NOT HAVE GUN LOCKS on my guns!!! He finally said OK. What the heck are people thinking??? So what if I wanted my bedroom door is my freakin' house!


Ommy's picture

you should ALWAYS have some kind of safe for your weapons. I have several gun safes. It is part of being a responsible gun owner.

Thiskidwilldrivemecrazy's picture

Yes, all of the ammo is stored separate and he'd really have to search to find the guns. The other part I find ironic is that I had talked to boyfriend 2 weeks ago about a gun safe but he was more concerned about getting that $10,000 boat!

I called him back a few minutes ago and asked him why he made such a big deal over locking the bedroom door. His reply was that he did not want his son to feel alienated by us locking the door. I what, he doesn't need to be in our bedroom when we aren't there anyway! (Besides , all of this crap I've been dealing with is alienating ME!)

BlueButterflies's picture

If not properly secured and stored separately (guns and ammo), and a child is to gain access to them, then you guys would have a liability as to what the child did with the guns.