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latest drama on SD16

wickedstepmom's picture

As some of you know, my SD16 has been very ill. Since last fall, she has been improving, mostly baby steps, and we are happy with whatever progress she makes.

Well, 2 weeks ago, she went back into the hospital. For malnutrition. Why? Because she has lost her sense of smell and taste and because the only food in BM's house is junk food. Everything in that house is processed junk. There is not one piece of fresh fruit, vegetable or meat/poultry. They just about live on fast food. Apparantly, BM was supposed to meet with a nutritionist at the hospital, but we have never heard the outcome of this.

Then SD16 goes back into the hospital the end of last week because she's got a blood clot. now, last fall, the doctors said this was something that could happen and gave her medication. Medication BM was supposed to contine at home. She did not give the medicine? Why not? Well, apparantly it's a shot and BM says that she does not want to hurt her daughter. Ok, I get that, but her life is pretty much depending on getting this shot. If you couldn't do it, why wouldn't you contact the hospital, they would probably have a nurse give the shot.

AS a step-parent it is so difficult to watch all of this. Is this neglect? What do we,DH and myself do about it? DH has never had custody, his daughter has always lived at least 3 hours away. Moving to her town would entail a huge pay cut for both of us which would result in life becoming difficult for us financially as we don't make that much to begin with. But, where we live, there are places that could treat SD16 and get her on the road to rehabiitation.

this is so frustrating...


Sasha's picture

What is she being treated for? A blood clot can be a very serious thing, even life-threatening if left untreated. I think I know what shot you are talking is a low-dose anticoagulant and is very easy to give. If BM can't or won't give her the shot, maybe she can look into a home care nurse or ask if one of her neighbors can give SD the shot.

Does all this constitute neglect? That can be a pretty fine line in the courts eyes. She is guilty of poor parenting, that much is for sure. I would suggest you consult with a lawyer to see if you have any chance at obtaining custody of SD for HER health and well-being. Wouldn't that be worth more to her father?

wickedstepmom's picture

she is being treated for encephalitis. We don't know how she got it, but we almost lost her last fall, pretty scary stuff. I agree that if she is not able to give the shot, then she should get home health help a neighbor or her sister who lives next door to help out.

I am very very concerned about my SD's well being. And you are right, neglect can be a fine line. DH is very concerned about his daughter as well, but doesn't want to rock the boat and cause problems by trying to get custody. I am "standing by my man", but I do let him know that the care that SD16 is getting is below par.

And yes, the blood clot is life threatening for her. so sad.

We are going to see her this weekend and we will get a better idea of what is going on.