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SS12 gets 1 day ISS

Thiskidwilldrivemecrazy's picture

Last Friday (5/4/12) we got a letter in the mail that 12yr old Step Son received 1 day in In School Suspension for 5/2/12 event. Teacher wrote that he was being disruptive and talking excessively in class. When she asked him to calm down, he got even louder and became defiant so she sent him to the office. The office noted that he said he was trying to be funny. (He's had frequent notes home for this type of behavior.) When his dad called home, I read him the letter. His first response was 'I think that was the day he didn't take his ADHD medicine'. I said, 'No, that was the day prior because he overslept and you had to end up taking him to school, remember?' Later, he tells me the child said that everyone in class was talking and he was just 'singled out'. I asked him if he believed that story and, of course, he said he did. What a joke!


Thiskidwilldrivemecrazy's picture

Oh, but I DO babysit him. He lives with us FT (except for every other weekend to visit his mother) and lives in MY house. So, yes, when his father is working shift work, I am babysitting. However, when his father is off, my new rule is...where your dad goes, you go also!

oneoffour's picture

Same thing happened here. OSS missed almost an entire year of English (senior year) because 'the teacher hates me' and not because he was sneaking off to smoke dope with his friends before school. When his mother eventually paid attention to his grades she flew into the school on her broomstick and told them how there was a personality clash and they needed to change his teacher. Why this happened at the end of March of his graduating year is beyond me!

And what astonsihed me was DH went along with it ...Him: Well he didn't get along with the teacher.
Me: OK so how would he know he didn't get along with her when he was never in her class? Are we basing his mature decision opon a couple classes attended last August? Wow! He is off smoking and drinking with his friends, guaranteed.
Him: Now we don't know that and we can't judge.
Me: As long as my tax dollars are paying for his schooling I get to judge.
We didn't speak for the rest of the day.

Ostriches and sand my friend. Ostriches and sand.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

I didn't like all of my teachers in school, but I showed up everyday and passed my classes. Why? Because that was what was expected of me, and I didn't want to risk failing the class and getting the same teacher again.

That is a BS reason for not passing a class or listening to a teacher.

DaizyDuke's picture

Yep, this is the shit I have to hear from DH/BM#2 about SS13 and his craptastic behavior... bottom line is it is ALWAYS someone elses fault...

SS (at age 10) started doing really crappy in school starting in 5th grade. BM had him convinced it was all the teacher's fault, she was old and just didn't like SS and so she was just being mean to him.

SS (at age 11) continued to do crappy in 6th grade and started having "girlfriends" and texting incessently on his phone. BM said SS was just being "social"

SS (at age 12/just turned 13) is in grave danger of failing 7th grade. BM says he might have ADD. SS ran up 400.00 in overage fees by talking on the cell phone and using all but 60 minutes of our 2000 minute plan. DH said it's because he's bored. SS got caught shoplifting. BM says it's because of the friend he was at the mall with. SS tells SD14 that he has smoked pot. DH says, well at least he's not drinking.

Meh... I give up caring about the crap. If they want to raise a man baby who lives in BMs tiny apartment and pumps gas if he bothers to get a job, they carry on. Not my problem.