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SD9 will no longer be getting any birthday gifts from me this year.

PeanutandSons's picture

Last night at bedtime ss10 comes to me, fighting back tears (he cries constantly over the littlest things). He says that he knows that he should have come to me sooner, but that Sd9 ruined xmas, his birthday, and Easter for him. He goes on to explain that SD has been snooping through our room to find the gifts and has been telling him everything that he will be getting, even though he's asked her to stop telling him. I thank him for letting me know and tell him that daddy and I will handle it.

Dh over hears our conversation, but couldn't really follow it, as SS was crying and very difficult to understand. So I repeat everything he told me. He immediately calls SD out to the living room, and hold up one finger. Asks her how many fingers am I holding up? (she can tell from his tone she's in deep trouble) one?.... Yeah, that's right one, and thats how many chances you have to tell me the truth, one.... Ok daddy (trying the innocent girl act) .... Dh has me repeat everything that SS told to me (since he got the story second hand and didn't want to get the details wrong and give her an out) and asks her if its true. She admits it, that she's been going through our drawers and closet, and she told him what he was getting. He asked her why, she then says that she did it because she wanted to ruin it for him.

Now, these gifts weren't left sitting out, or sloppily hid. She must have been doing so serious searching to find them. The Xmas gifts weren't even brought into the house until they were wrapped already. A lot of the gifts were ripped open, or had tape pulled off Xmas eve when i went to put them under the tree. I thought it was odd, but just assumed it was the cats messing with the paper, and maybe I didn't press the tape down enough. But apparently the little a-hole was unwrapping them to see what I had bought.

Dh looked completely at a loss for words. He looked at me and asked what he should do. I looked right at SD and said .... I don't know what you are going to do but ill tell you what I am going to do. SD, you aren't getting anything from me for your birthday (she turns 9 in two weeks) I can't speak for what your father will do, but do not expect a single gift from me, if this is how disrespectful you are going to be when I buy things for you kids. Dh didn't say much more to her other than telling her that she had better not ever step foot in our bedroom again, and sent her to bed.

Later that night he asks me, so what are we really doing for sd's birthday?..... Just as I told her, *i* am not doing anything, what you do is your own decision...... Because of what she did, or just because?..... Because of what she did..... Ok.....what if she had found your gun while she was snooping through our room? What if she decided to take it to school? Or grab a handful of bullets to take and show her friends, or if she has stumbled onto my vibrators? Or your medicatons? She has absolutely no business going through our things like that....... Yeah, I agree.

Sidenote: The gun is in a case, unloaded, and has a trigger lock on it. So she couldn't have actually gotten hurt with it, or hurt someone else with it.

But I am dead serious. This kid is ass out come her bday. Dunno if Dh is still going to back me up when the time comes, or if he will go out and buy her a ton of stuff (usually I do all the bday shopping) but I am not getting her a single thing.


karmapolice's picture

:jawdrop: Why would she want to ruin those special occasions for her brother?! I agree with you 100% about not getting her anything for her birthday. Some may think that is a drastic step, but I think kids should learn there are severe consequences for such terrible behavior. Going without gifts from you for one birthday won't ruin her, and will hopefully teach her a lesson she will NEVER forget!

I hope your DH will follow your lead on this and let her go without for her bday.

bi's picture

i'm with you on this, too. stick to your guns. and please, even if dh asks you to buy/make a cake for her, DON'T DO IT. don't lift a finger for her, even if it is to help him out. if he wants to reward the rotten little brat, make him do it ALL by himself. i wouldn't even tell the snot happy birthday. i would probably take ss out to a movie and his favorite restaurant on her bday just to get away and show her how badly she messed up. }:)

DaizyDuke's picture

I'd totally do this^^^^ Get something awesome that you know she'd really love and don't even really hide it well, BUT make sure that you have some type of marker or something so you can tell if it has been moved at all. Once you can tell she's seen it, take it back and give her a dang box of kleenex for her birthday. Bet she won't snoop again.

DH caught SD14 and SS13 sneaking around our house in the middle of night when they were over last week and went ballistic. Told them they were lucky they DON'T live with us, because he would b e so far up their ass and into their business it would make their little brainless heads spin. Seriously, invading other's space and privacy is a MAJOR no no to both DH and I. To me, it's not even so much about her trying to ruin occasions for her brother, it's the sneaking and snooping through your PERSONAL things that gets my blood boiling.

PeanutandSons's picture

Do you guys think I should still take her for her birthday pictures, or not? I take each kid every year on their birthday for portraits.

forestfairy's picture

:jawdrop: :jawdrop:

What I would do if I were you, is surprise SS with a gift on SD's bday and nogive her nothing. Make sure she knows about it too. He has had all his holidays ruined by her, and he held it in and didn't even tell you guys. So he hasn't gotten one surprise in a long time.

She purposely had a long running, planned campaign to ruin holidays and surprises for him. I'm actually shocked. It's not like this was a one time occasion of being bratty, this went on over months!

She deserves nothing, and he deserves a surprise. I guarantee she would learn her lesson then. Have her sit there and watch him open it too.

PeanutandSons's picture

I think I am still going to do her picture, but do them a couple weeks late. That way I still have 9th birthday pics for her book and gparents, but she isn't getting the attention on her on her actual birthday.

imthewife's picture

I like ForestFairy's idea. Do NOTHING for the stepbratdaughter...

Let DH do whatever he is going to do...but he is on his own...YOU get SS something he really likes and during whatever lame celebration guilty DH throws for her...pull out a well wrapped gift for SS...that will fix her britches...

SDs are impossible...isn't there an island for them?

checkedoutsm's picture

You should throw a surprise party for SD. The surprise is that the party isn't for her, it's for SS! Or alternatively, find out what DH is doing or getting for SD and tell her.