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I predict BM will screw this up

SisterNeko's picture

Just stating for the record. Smile We got a thing sent home with SS6 yesterday that BM requested. She wants to enroll him in an after school day care - which is great, I was baby sitting for her earlier in the year and then her Hubby got laid off (he does every winter) but now Hubby is returning to work and I guess she doesn't want me to watch him - again that is fine I really don't want to any more, the less I see of her the better.

My prediction is...

She will somehow screw it up when she signs him up because FDH wants him to still ride the bus on our weeks - EOW. Which she says that she understands but I looked at the form and it's pretty strict/complicated, I highlighted were is says to provide a copy of any court orders in which restrictions apply to her rights (it's 50/50 and says they both have to agree on child care - the CO says so) Smile And it's $45 bucks a week, which we don't want to pay when I am home and able to watch them for FREE. They require you to pay for every day that you intend for your child to be there even if they are absent from school. And they filled out the part were SS6 will have to walk himself to the Day Care room from his class room with out supervision.

So do you want to take bets on:

if BM changes her mind again and ask me to baby sit,

or SS6 ends up at the bus stop when no one is there to pick him up

or he ends up in Day Care on our week.


SisterNeko's picture

That's is our plan - we are going to let BM sign him up and them call the teacher to verify that it was just for BM's days. The school is actually very accommodating to kids with split households. We have some issues with SS6 teacher because she is new/young and still figuring it all out.