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This is really immaterial but I find it funny and ironic!

hismineandours's picture

My ss draws a check due to dh's disability. MIL was getting it sent directly to her as that is where he lived. Prior to that it came to the bm as he lived with her. With him moving in with us we had to get it changed. My dh cannot be his payee as dh is not even his own payee (I am)so we had to make me ss's representative payee. Again, it's immaterial-I am all my kids payee-their checks go into our joint account which we use for bills except a portion that we save for them and transfer into savings accounts-we will set up the same system for ss. So it's not really like I am making cash on it or anything, BUT I am waiting for just the right moment to casually drop that one on ss!!

He will probably shit himself. I guess at mil's she gave him the idea that it was HIS money-as in the check was his to do whatever he wanted with-which she bought him clothes, his school lunches, meds-etc out of it so it never was his in actuality-but for some reason he just thought it was. I even found a paper this morning where he had written up the amount of check and wrote it like 50 times-to signify the next few years-subtracting his school lunches and a membership to the Y he wanted out of it. He told us once just before he moved in that he was going to go buy some video game system since he did get xyz money each month. LOL!

Maybe he will be a little nicer to me now that he realizes I pay for what he needs!!! Again, not that I would ever withhold anything he needed-but my guess is that he will think I would. I just found it a bit ironic.


forestfairy's picture

Some people cannot be their own payee for a variety of reasons (brain injuries, mental illness, inability to use their money wisely, etc), so the SSA requires them to have a payee. A representative payee receives the person's check, pays the person's bills, and then gives them the rest. Sort of like their own little banker who will make sure the money is used to pay necessary expenses first.

sonja's picture

I guess she is saying since DH is on disability, he AND all of his kids each get checks? Im not sure how much money this really adds up to be, but sounds like it could be a lot, as more kids = more checks?

B22S22's picture

It's a percentage of previous income. My kids received disability (SSI) when my first DH was disabled due to a brain tumor. I think the percentage was something like 20% of weekly pay (and my DH's check was 50% or some such amount). If you add it all up, it didn't even equal what he had been making prior to going on disability.

SSI's requirement is that someone OTHER than my DH had to be the payee. In fact, the way they suggested: a bank account for each of the children in their names, with me listed as co-account holder.

stepintexas's picture

HMO, did ss get the full checks from MIL? That would be crazy if she just handed over the money.
So, now ss is to get no "extra" money- good- your other kids don't recieve "extra" money.
SS is sure to be sore over not benefitting monetarily from behaving like a turd and not living with you guys. Oh, it is going to be a hard pill for him to swallow that he gets "just" the benefits of being in the family, and not Extra, like he had been getting - I think it will be funny to see the look on his face when he realizes that he doesn't get to have a bankroll.

hismineandours's picture

I dont really know how it all worked. I dont think mil turned the check over to ss-but I do know that he spent 300.00 for xmas presents for his bm and her family :jawdrop: Then I know shortly after christmas he spent another 300.00 on himself at the mall. But the issue I have with it is-he knew the exact amoutn of the check-was going to get himself a gym membership with it and was saving for some sort of large ticket item. My kids all get social security. My youngest is on dh's benefits-my oldest two have survivor benefits from their father. None of them have ever been aware of how much they get. They dont even know-because it's not really "their" money. We use it to support them and then we do save a portion of it for them-its not their discretionary income.

He's made several comments talking about how the money is "his" and how he can get this or that. He was talking about buying something for 60.00 and how before he moved in here-he could just get that out of his pocket? Wow. I dont typically let my 13 year olds just carry around 60.00. I am just waiting for the right moment to let him know I control his money know and will decide how it is spent }:)

Holly's picture

HMO - is there even the slightest possibility that your DH will just remove that money as soon as the cheque is deposited and hand it to SS without discussing it with you? Given how he has behaved before.....

hismineandours's picture

Oh, no-he'd never do that. He was upset with mil for giving him the idea that he had ANY choice in how that money was spent and I was present when he let ss know that it was NOT his money in anyway, shape, or form.

stepintexas's picture

"I am just waiting for the right moment to let him know I control his money know and will decide how it is spent"
This is exactly my point, you control the family money and how it is divyied up, and that money is supposed to go to the support of the family,(not just to bankroll SS) as it is your DH's disability, it SHOULD go to the family's upkeep, bills, mortgage, food - you know things your DH would put in the pot with an actual paycheck. Good for you!

I guess I think of it as child support your DH paid out to first BM, then to MIL, and well now that SS is living with you- there should be no more pay out of that "child-support". He is part of the family, living under your roof and the money then should go to the family.

hismineandours's picture

Yes I am my dh's payee due to his brain injury. He therefore cannot be ss's payee. So yes I will be ss's payee. Social Security is considered a replacement for dh's income-we dont actually receive any child support for ss from bm.

stepintexas's picture

HMO, was your DH's disability filed and granted when SS lived with his BM?
If so, then disability set it up that the portion that ss recieved was to be payed out as if it was child support. That is common. So, if SS is now living in your home, it is considered support for him in your home- no different than regular CS- if the child moves back into your home- THAT money is not "HIS"- it is yours and DH's. Just like ammending a cs order if the child moves in with the parent that had been paying, the parent then pays nothing because the child is living with them.

Edited to say...this is how I would explain to SS and DH that SS is no longer getting bankrolled- as in handing over the money fom "his" check.
It is no longer CS due to the fact that SS lives in ya'lls home.

hismineandours's picture

Yes it was. Dh is ok with me being payee-he went with me yesterday and designated me as payee-it is ss who will poop a brick upon the idea that I control "his" funds.