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Why is he ALWAYS around and in trouble the first 24 hours...

hismineandours's picture

So ss has been living with us since Tuesday afternoon. Less than 48 hours. I have to say that my dh has really done a good job of staying on top of things, addressing them, delivering consequences, laying down rules-I really have 0 complaints about anything my dh is doing in regards to ss. So I should be happy, right?

Wrong. This kid is already driving me nuts. Dh was going to enroll him in school yesterday-but we had some freak storms come through and school was delayed and the guidance counselor asked him to wait. Well he was going to do it today, but again the guidance counselor called and asked him to wait until tomorrow. So, I'm not even home during the day so in reality it makes me no difference if hes there or not-but this kid does nothing. He has no hobbies, no apparent interests, he just walks around the house following my dh around. It drives me nuts. He's always done it-but on visits I'd tell myself-"it's because he doesnt see dh often he wants to be with him when he can"-now he's with him 24/7 and still just follows him around all the time. I mean he doesnt read, he doesnt even really watch tv, its nice outside here, but he doesnt go out and play basketball, walk around the block, he doesnt take naps-all the stuff my kids do to amuse themselves he does none of it. I dont believe he's bothered to put all his clothes away, his old school stuff is in a stack on the bedroom floor-so none of that is put away or organized. He's not doing anything horrible, it just sorta creeps me out-as evidently if I am trying to spend time with my dh he is always just right there. ugh.

Now, he did do something yesterday to get himself in trouble. Dh had confiscated his phone on Saturday due to failing grades. Yesterday, my dh had to run to our Church and do some repairs related to the storm we had and he left ss at home. DD was getting home from school and walked in on ss going through dh's backpack and then he got the phone out and texted people on it right in front of dd. So, duh, of course she told on him later. So ss was gone last night at youth group and dh figured out his password, we changed his facebook password and dh read all the messages-including the one in which he called my mil "my bitch ass grandma" Wink
Anywho, dh confronted ss when we got home-ss got mad initially but ended up playing it just right-saying it was to text his gf, but now he realizes that she will just get him in trouble-he doesnt care about the phone, blah, blah. But anywho, the phone is going back to mil's so its gone for good. And he was also grounded a week from video games for getting the phone out after being told not to. Dh also gave him a lecture on how he was talking about mil and such.

So again I am pleased that my dh IS handling things. And he has been asking my input on the decisions he is making-I just never knew that ss would consume so much freaking time. Dh is either off "parenting" him, or he is following dh around-I know it is really sad but I feel like I need a break from him already.


deedeelou711's picture

Wow I thought I was the only one that had these issues. My step son is 13 lives out of state and when he is here he follows my hubby around NON STOP! He has to sit by him, rubs my husbands head, kisses his hand, AND wants to sleep in the SAME bed with my husband and I.
I understand he does not see his dad that much BUT come ON! And of course my hubby says so who cares just brush it off. It causes MAJOR issues for my hubby and I and I am at my wits end and do NOT know what to do ANYMORE.
Thanks for listening

hismineandours's picture

Adolescence is the time kids are supposed to pull away from their parents and join with their peer group. It is normal, even healthy. I feel like I am very close with all my kids-who are also adolescents-but they have lives. They have friends, hobbies, ability to amuse themselves-they are their own people. SS just seems to have no life. Teenagers are supposed to live to spend time in their room? Right?

I hope, for me, this is something that will improve that it is just a transition thing and will get better. But frankly, it's really weird that your skid wants to sleep in bed with the both of you. Not healthy, not normal.

doll faced sm's picture

I hope, for me, this is something that will improve that it is just a transition thing and will get better.

I wouldn't count on it. My DD10 does this to me; it drives me bonkers. I kept telling myseif that she'd eventually stop on her own. No such luck. I just tell her now, "Baddido, please stop following me around; you know it bugs me." When I started addressing this to her directly, I realized from her reaction that she wasn't even aware that she was doing it; it was completely unconscious.