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Wedding pics of Hubby and Ex in my house!

o2boo's picture

Hello there,

Just a quick run down. When hubby left his EX-wife she got upset and moved his 3 daughters to texas. They were at that point 12,10,8. They are now 23,21,19. It has been rough most of the way and to hurt him she wouldnt let him see them but a few times. So needless to say the relationship with his girls wasn't good. Of course they hated me for a long while and felt as though I was the one who tore their family apart, which wasnt true. Since they are grown now they are trying to build a relationship with their dad and I think thats beautiful. In no way do I try to interupt that.
So oldest SD moves in with us mid last year. Long story short She brings abunch of pics from back in the day. Pics of the girls, family, friends, even pics of hubby and ex having baby girl christening beautiful, not upset with that. But what I am upset with is that she brings pictures of hubby and ex wedding in a small album and gives it to him.
Now keep in mind a couple times early in our relationship, the ex has sent pics of the girls and in them would be pics of her alone. So to see these wedding pics makes me wonder if they were put there to get me going? Well it worked!. I mean why would you hand your dad old wedding pics and he kept them. I haven't said anything but it bothers me that he would keep them and by his desk to boot.
Today I had enough and took and destroyed them! Yea I know not the mature thing to do maybe but it felt good. I guess I'm wanting to see if he is going to say anything, which would tell me if he has been looking at them.
Anyone gone through something similar? and if so how did you handle it?

prozac_nation's picture

I personally don't blame you for getting rid of them. I also agree it wasn't mature. Do I care? Hell no. I'd of done the same thing most likely.
MIL was going through some of her photo albums with me and we came across a few of SO and BM, I didn't even have to say anything. MIL took them and threw them in her fireplace. LOL. Wink

asheeha's picture

Let us know how he takes it. He should have removed them himself. He's probably too afraid he'll offend her to do what he should. It was disrespectful of her to include those. He really should step up and have a talk with her.

college_try's picture

I don't blame you for doing what you did. My wife still keeps family pictures of her and her ex husband with their BD (my SD) in the attic. When we first moved in together, she was doing some spring cleaning and had these pictures strewn about the place like the daily mail would be. I got out some pictures of me with my arms around my ex and laid them on the floor next to these pictures just to make a point. Needless to say, both of our pictures of our pasts are well hidden away now.

oneoffour's picture

OK so you didn't tell your DH that the pictures were not in good taste and you don't shove a previous wedding in the face of the next wife. But you destroyed them anyway which removes the possibility of DH raising the issue of how these need to be removed from your home as they are not 'relevant' anymore.
Men are not mindreaders.

Here is what I would have done..

"DH, why are there pictures of you and K getting married and all lovey dovey in the album?"
Him " Blah blah blahexcuse"
You " I hear you but I am insulted that an album you keep on your desk has photos of your ex wife as your bride. It's a girl thing."
Him "Excuses, blah blah excuses."
YOu " Well how about I put an album together for SD to take to her mother's place of pictures of us? And of course you and her. I wouldn't do that becuause I know it would offend her mother. Would you talk to her about it being irrelevant not to mention mean spirited? And can you remove the photos and put them away somwhere else? Thanks!"

Using the word 'irrelevant' isn't as emotive as "harsh" or "cruel' or 'mean'. It means is isn't important in our present context. It also puts the SD right in her place, 'bless her heart' }:)

IfearImgoinnutz's picture

I got rid of all pics of my ex after we split, unless it had my kids in it, but they are still packed away.

There are NO pics of BM in my house, but a pic of her and SD8, SD6, and her other daughter that is not DH's from LAST YEAR (they've been divorced 4 years now) is proudly displayed on the mantel at MIL's house. Along w/pics of DH and BM in their supposed "happy days" She has no clue how hurtful that is to me. Ugg, I dont even want to get started on the relationship I have w/MIL anyways.

skylarksms's picture

Yeah, I bet that PB would NEVER have guessed that DH and I would read parts of her letters to him out loud to each other for comic effect!

I don't know for sure but she PROBABLY didn't have laughter in mind when she was writing the letters to him or making sure that he still had them!

liks's picture

WWWWHHHHOOOOO Where do I start....

have i ever thrown out pics of ex and DH - Yes...they have no place in my home....and It made me feel better watching them burn! Its a very cleansing thing to do....

Do I think it immature...Yeah I do...and Im somewhat embarrased that I did it...but I do not feel uneasy talking about it to any of my girlfriends as they all laugh and have stories how they did the same....

I actually found a picture of DH and Ex in the 20 x 24 frame in the garage...well I could have left it there...but I picked it up over my head and smashed it to the floor...then told DH when he got home from work to go clean up the disgusting mess thats on the garage floor...cos If I go anywhere near it I will blow my top.

Oneflour, your discussion is lovely..and I have tackled other pics, old clothes, old 'family movies' etc in such a way...but OMG, the horrid feeling you get wen you come accross such stuff is so hard to explain....and its not jealousy...shock and as if you have had your pocket book stolen from you while in a public place feeling...its like someone has just pulled a gun on you...

So to fight something like cut them pics up in little pieces or burn them....Ive often thought of scanning them into my computer and putting the scrag BM's face on top of some ugly nude body and delivering these pics into everyones letterbox that lives near the bitch....or make a slut tape of her and putting it on youtube in the hope it will go viral.... with the words 'if you dont want any more of this being made...then make sure your ugly head doesnt eva come into my house in the form of a photo for me to see'... or something like this...

FINALLY.... I think its rude to allow your current husband/wife to see photos/video's/pics of you and your ex... Men and women should be more careful to dispose of them properly....I dont want such things coming up causing issues in my relationship with my I got rid of them kids didnt want any of my old wedding pics to the ex...and I have heard of many other kids that dont want them either....

imjustthemaid's picture

I have destroyed all of BM's pics and also deleted then all off the family computer. When I first moved in with DH he warned me that SD had the video of his and BM's wedding somewhere. I wasn't looking for it but a few months later I came across it and out it went. No one has mentioned it or looked for it and there is no reason for it to exist. They have been divorced for 13 years!!

Now I have not touched any pics that had SD as a baby in them because I do have photo albums in this house of my daughter when she was a baby and of course her father is in some of them but they are put away in the attic. But the pictures that had DH and BM or just BM I got rid of. And I don't feel bad about it!

elkclan's picture

I hate my ex and his whole family. They're abusive. But I still have my old wedding album - they are put away and will stay packed away but I keep them. Guess why. Because it has the only pictures I own of many of MY family members in it that are long dead and buried in it. Also my son is related to most of the people in those albums. I still have a wedding picture UP in my house of me with my flower girl (a cousins) and unless my partner asks me to take it down I won't. (I offered to. He sort of mumbled.)  

MoominMama's picture

All pics that had BM in were offered to skids to keep for when they left home. SS didn't want any of her Sd had some. They were told they could keep a personal photo album but no photos of bm and dh together.  Sd immediately flouted this and put up one of her father and bm with her. 

My dh had her take it down and bm made a whole thi g of it that I had created a fuss and wouldnt let her have photos of her own mother and how i was 'jealous' of her.

It was laughable because it was DH that had the problem with it, i even told sd that i didnt care if she had a photo of her mother, but ofc sd didnt tell her mother that part of the convo.

DH well p****d about it and told her to get rid of all of them to her mothers.

Always the same with SD, dont tell the full truth and manipulate the situation to get the most drama possible. 

ldvilen's picture

I think most non-steps and counselors reading this would be shocked that us SMs were so “immature” about a couple of pictures—that would be their words and not mine.  After all, what is wrong with memorabilia from the past.  The past is the past, and the SKs would just love to have the photos around of mom and dad, and so on.  Again, their words.

But, I think what a lot of non-steps rarely get is how SPs, and SMs in particular, are so often marginalized by just about everyone, and sometimes their own DH.  If you look at this from a different perspective, such as would a never-divorced husband and wife allow pictures in their household, ones hanging up, of ex-BFs or ex-GFs or old prom photos hanging around, I think the reason why so many SMs have the attitude that the ‘old pictures gotta go’ becomes clearer.

Having old photos tucked away in a photo album that you have had for years and keep for moreso the value of the older ancestral photos is one thing.  But, having photos of the ex- out and about or having one of your SKs giving DH a mom-and-dad wedding album and expecting him to keep it, is another.  To a SM, these aren’t just past memories, these are further reminders of the marginalization that so often occurs when SM marries a man with children from a previous relationship.  It isn’t jealousy any where near as much as it is a SM wanting her and DH’s territory to be her and her husband’s territory.  This is her and her DH’s home, and previous love interests do not belong in the nest.

The only exception I would take, is if a SK is younger, spends a lot of time in the household, and has his own room.  In that case, I would let SK have one photo up of mom and dad if he or she wanted it so, but that would be pretty much my one exception.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I found pictures of BM and DH in my home... I put them in a stack and told DH to deal with them... Later the next day MIL was telling us we had to keep them and that that's the "girl's family" and the shouldn't feel it's divided and we need to display them in our household... DH threw them in a garbage bag to get rid of. But FIL jumped the gun, took them out to ethe burn pile and caught the suckers on fire.

I don't blame you. Exactly what I told MIL during her tirade was that they're two seperate families. That's a family unit that doesn't exist, and the only family pictures that will be displayed in my home will be of mine and DH's family, which does include the girls, but does not include the ex. Divorce means seperate and that's okay for the girls to realize as well. They can still feel loved and have two seperate homes.

(Disclaimer: MIL has come around since then, BM's true colors came out, and she no longer wants the girls back there either, plus she hasn't tried to push me in the "She's their family, display it" direction since then)

It was completely innapropriate of the skids to bring that in the first place, and even further inappropriate for your DH to keep them. I know people will keep old wedding albums, but ordinarily that's to give to the kids, which already had them, so he shouldn't have accepted it out of respect to you. I would have done the same thing. In fact, if FIL hadn't beat me to it, I probably would have been out at the burn pile myself.