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No husband EOW

Angel's picture

I know what it is that bugs me about having SS come over every other weekend! I have no husband for 26 weekends a year. He sits next to, eats with, entertains & is stuck to this almost 6 ft boy for the entire time he is at MY house.
I am not feeling well today, and it is Friday the weekend of the visitation. I get very depressed.

Sorry for the rant.

Angel's picture

for the response Mustang1. I do go out with friends when I am left husbandless. They watch football & do guy stuff. & I really don't want to be with a kid on the weekend. I teach 200 teenagers a day & need a break from them. They really don't exclude me, I exclude myself.

I have approx one more year. I should have waited to marry until he was done with the overnight visitations. I thought I could handle it and in a way I am, but it leaves me feeling down.
Thanks again for your response. I'll try to enjoy myself.

Colorado Girl's picture

so I understand the frustration. I love my skids but sometimes I need a break too. And eventually the kids won't want to have anything at all do with either one of us so I'll enjoy them as much as I can now. I agree with Mustang1....take this time for yourself. For me, alone time is so hard to come by.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Colorado Girl's picture

I wish that I could knock your hubby upside his head MYSELF with your frying pan sometimes. You are such a good SM and you deserve a night out where you're #1 for once....

At least you were able to take care of the whole unibrow dilemma... Smile

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Colorado Girl's picture

there's a quote...

"Water continually dropping will wear hard rocks hollow."

we may be the strongest of all creatures, but we can only take so much. Who catches us when WE fall?

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."