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Need to vent (warning: negativity and language)

MJL2010's picture

This will never stop! Disgusting filthy BM.....I have gotten to the point where I feel ok about her not really being my problem and can laugh most of the time about her and her antics where DH is concerned. But unfortunately her filth has absolutely translated to my no longer trusting, enjoying my skids or always wanting to give them the benefit of the doubt where alienation and shit is concerned. We watched "Welcome Back, Pluto" last night and I felt little glimpses of understanding about the crap they must go through with her, but honestly, I just dread seeing them now. I used to really think as long as we all loved each other, everything else would fall into place. I thought that consistency here at our house would win out over her crazy. But I realize now that they are learning to lie and manipulate at her hand, and it's just awful. I wish I knew for sure if this stuff is all just her lies or if they are truly manipulating to watch the drama unfold. They are half her, and she loves this shit.

Her latest thing is telling DH that she doubts the baby in my belly is even his. LOL- I wonder what/when she'll say to skids about her theory? All in the nature of "...being honest with them about my true nature...". They haven't even asked THE sex question yet so they will have no clue what she's talking about. Oh well. She is such a disgusting filthbeast. Rock on, Mr. T. Keep up the excellent work of fucking your kids up as much as you can.


MJL2010's picture

Ripley, no, it's not religious. It is a pretty good informational dvd, tho definitely would be a little above their 7-year-old heads. I think since DH and I watched it, we will be able to translate some of what *we* learned into a conversation with them. Or should I say, DH will. I am at the point where I don't even want to speak to one of them, since everything I say makes it back to Mr. T. and either he is twisting stuff or she is when she sends her disgusting texts and e-mails to him. This blended family stuff is really really awful! I used to be such an optimist.

For instance, I have just witnessed the following exchange:
"Dad?" (no answer because he was in the garage. They know I'm in the next room.)
Finally he answers: "Yes?"
"I'm hungry." (I have always been the one who prepares meals if I am home. They should be asking me about breakfast. I am so hoping they will ask me about breakfast, because I will tell them that I will be delighted to make them breakfast when they have made their beds, shut off the lights in their room, and put their clothes away (things we have to ask them 1,000x/day.)
Then the other says to him, "We already ate." we didn't. Are you in SPACE, child? The stuff that comes out of their mouths is sometimes not even based on reality! It would be laughable if it wasn't so damn frustrating. And you can bet your bottom dollar that BM will send some type of "You don't even eat in that house" nonsense at some point today, even after I've made a meal that they will bitch about!!!

Chefwit8's picture

Im.curious as well about this Pluto movie?? And BM can be very coniving & they know exactly how to manipulate the kids bcuz like u said, they are half hers, and she know they love her jus bcuz she is Mom...ignore what you can & confront only what needs to be confronted & in this situation I WOULD confront her regarding your baby!!

MJL2010's picture

I bought it on Amazon, Chef. I would definitely recommend it. It is geared toward parents who have already been alienated to the point that their children don't want to see them anymore, but we all know how perilously close we all are at all times to this happening, where sick sick sick BMs who hate us more than they love their children are concerned.
But it introduces some really good language and vocabulary where this whole ugly business is concerned, and it gives hope, I would think, to parents who have been effectively estranged or alienated.

Bubbly1's picture

I would have a nice chat w/Bm and tell her to keep your name OUT of her mouth unless, she's choking on it!
Does Dh give her any reason to think HE doubts paternity of your baby? If not, HE needs to tell her to keep her nose outta HIS business! Period, end of discussion!

Congrats on the Baby, btw. Smile

MJL2010's picture

Ooh, I love it! I would love to say that to her but she would just take it as a challenge- the NPD, you know- she's allowed to say anything she wants about anyone, because she is perfect and everyone else is just jealous!

No, DH doesn't really even speak to her and if he did doubt the paternity of this baby, she's not the one he'd turn to! LOL...

Thank you, Bubbly! Complete surprise and we are pretty excited when we're not scared out of our minds!