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Birthday bust

Amazedstepmom's picture

Why would you think I wanted your disrespectful, rude, ignorrant children's initials and birthstones on my bracelet? I don't. I want my children, the ones who love me unconditionally, respect me, and I enjoy being around. So now something that I once loved will sit in my jewelry box, unworn because if I don't include all the initials it will be an issue.
So thank you for not thinking about the gift choice, and trying to force this to be the f**king Brady bunch. Guess what, it's not and it's not going to be. Your children are their BM's puppets so when she gets pissed off about something she perceives as a slight to her children then the pas starts and your kids act like a holes again.
Yes, currently they are being pleasant and nice to a certain extent, however it
Is fake and I don't do fake.
Birthday was a week ago and I have been stewing about this since then.


bestwife's picture

Are the initials of the skids on there or not? If not I'd just get my own kids put on and to hell with his "issue". Let him stew. One of you is going to be unhappy. I vote for him not you.

Amazedstepmom's picture

One bead for each of the kids purchased for my birthday. So I either put them all on or none or a giant fight will occur because he just does not see anything when it comes to his children. He has blinders on.

Amazedstepmom's picture

I am just so tired of fighting over his kids. It's a never ending battle. He just doesn't get it. I don't think he ever will. Thanks for letting me vent.

Jsmom's picture

Remove their stones and exchange them for others. If he notices, tell him those are not your kids...They never will be. He can't just will it to happen. Men are so dense sometimes...