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This may sound bad

bama step mom's picture

Today my brother called me and told me he met the husband of my husbands EX. The EX's husband came to my brothers work to talk to someone. Apparently he used to work there. So after name swapping my brother put together who he was and the husband told my brother that my DH's EX (his wife) is CRAZY! and that they are getting a divorce. He even had his stuff in a uhual outside. Then when he found out the he was talking to my brother he told him to tell me I was doing a wonderful job with my skids. (His skids too)!! So lets just say that makes me feel great. My DH's EX's soon to be EX husband complimented me on my parenting!!!

So this is why it may sound bad. I am THRILLED that he is leaving her!!! He is her 5th husband!!! I can't help but feel like she deserves it. She is a horrible person that doesn't take care of her kids. My DH and I take care of them full time so hopefully the divorce won't effect the skids much since they hardly ever see their BM or Sdad. She bounces from job to job and doesn't pay her child support or medical. He was basically what kept her above water. Now what is she going to do. I guess what goes around comes around. See that's bad to think that way isn't it.

Oh well I guess!


TheSaneOne's picture

No, I feel ya, this chic has caused you some mucho grief, its nice to see them go through it too. I mean sometimes it seems like those that cause probs, live life without them

(From a fellow Bama Stepmom)

Conflicted's picture

My DH's ex married late October 2007 and she and her new husband are already having major problems! In fact they seperated after 2 weeks of marriage, got back together for a week and now it looks as if they have split up again!

And I think its great!! It makes me happy!! Kinda sick?? Yeah, a bit... but oh well!

need2vent's picture

validation for all your efforts , what is wrong with you enjoying that??? 5 marriages , huh, how does she get them to marry her? that is a pretty high number , even in todays world.

"We don't understand life anymore at 40 then at 20, but we know it and admit it" Jules Renard

bama step mom's picture

You know that's a good question. I just always figured she used her many powers of munipulation...or blackmailed them!! Let's see 5 marriages and she is only 32, I think there should be a law against that or something. lol But then again it wouldn't be so funny knowing someone like her actually finding 5 poor men to believe her lies ( my poor DH was unfortunately one of them lol..I think he was drunk at the time or something Smile

I guess when she is worrying about finding husband # 6 I will continue being the best step-mom I can be....You know I when I was a little girl I never remember dreaming of the plans of having a blended family and a CRAZY Ex to worry about. Where has the time gone?!

@>--- bama step mom

fed_up_mommy's picture

In fact, I think I'd be gloating a bit too!

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