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My SD beat up her father.......and he wonders why I don't like her......

Sterling's picture

My SD is 17 and she beat up her dad in front of our 6 year old son. She wouldn't stop. She kept attacking him. I wish desperately I was there to get my son away from the fight. He was trying to restrain her but she still didn't stop. He had to call the cops. Funny thing, she went to go and stay with her mom, who of course blamed it on my husband. She has had to take no accountability for her actions and is demanding an apology from my husband. Of course, he forgave her right away. She is now making up lies about me, prob cause she is jealous I am with her "daddy" right now and she isn't.

HELP!!! How do I overcome this???


twopines's picture

The very first step is to not allow her in your home. She's violent, and no matter how much your DH forgives her, you have to keep the violence out of your home and away from your son.

To me, this is a non-negotiable issue. Good luck.

Sterling's picture

The cops just talked to her, then her sister came and picked her up and took her to her mom's house. I was at work. The fight was because she couldn't use her car because she was failing 4 of her classes.....I don't want her back. I am so angry but my DH wants her to come back. The thing about it too is she is usually a total "daddy's girl" and is a daughter who texts her dad about 30 times a day and always wants to hang out with him, I am not kidding, she is obsessed. So I was surprised she went nuts on her "daddy."

Ugh......can't get over it.

Totalybogus's picture

The cops didn't do anything because your husband wouldnt press charges. I would definitely not allow her back around my kid until she underwent some counseling. She obviously has anger management issues.

beyond pissed-off's picture

I would also suggest a substance abuse evaluation since this seems to be a total personality switch. I am no expert but from what I have read that is one of the signs. One of my conditions for her returning to the house would be taking and passing a drug test - you can buy them at any drugstore - with no notice so that she is unable to "clean up" or use a masking agent.

dodgegal05's picture

Maybe suggesting your dh to see her away from your house. Or find a place to take yourself and your son when she comes.
I agree with the drug testing idea too. She needs to be taught some accountability.

z3girl's picture

We've had this happen too! The day before SD20's 18th birthday, DH took SD's car away (in his name, paid for in full by him) because of her attitude. When he went to take her keys, she battled him, and they ended up falling to the floor where she bit him and drew blood. Then SHE called the police on HIM! The police just called her a spoiled brat.

The end result turned into nothing! DH NEVER made her apologize for her behavior. She only lost her car for the initial 2 weeks. It's disgusting. She was still hung up on it this year and made DH apologize to her before coming to visit after a year of absence.

If your DH doesn't make her apologize, then nothing will happen.