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Can't stop obsessing......

Sterling's picture

Ugh. Need help. I keep obsessing on all of the dysfunctional things between my DH and SD17. It's crazy. Any advice to let it go? I have tried talking to my DH, ignoring it, having a drink to calm my nerves. Every little thing bothers me and it makes it really hard for me to like either one of them.


oceangirl3's picture

Keep telling yourself she is not your kid and your problem. Let them have their little dysfunctional relationship. Just realize it is your house and once she starts to violate your space and property and show lack of respect or gratitude, don't be afraid to call her out on it. The more power you take back the less the little things will bother you. Also, don't be afraid to tell DH that certain behaviors bother you. I have learned to really speak my mind regarding this. It is helping BF see how he really treats me very different when SD11 is here visiting. A nice glass of wine at the end of the day always works for me as well!