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O/T - Just need to vent

Shaman29's picture

I love DH but I wanted to smack him today. We were discussing our dinner plans and I said I wanted something light, like roast some chicken breasts and have a veggie with it. He said why don't we have chicken tomorrow night instead. In fact, when I go pick up my kid, you can roast a chicken while I'm gone and then we can eat when we get back.


I said "DH, I'm not Little Suzie Homemaker and I'm not going to have the perfect family scene waiting for you and your kid when you get back tomorrow. I already planned out my afternoon and it does not include setting up the Norman Rockwell scene for you."

He started to back-peddle and then blamed me for my reaction. I said I don't appreciate it when you take something away from me so you can present it to your precious child. It's very annoying and demeaning to me.

He just changed the subject.

Let the Disney Christmas Week begin.


twopines's picture

Good for you! Immediately telling him "no" left no room for misunderstanding. *bravo!*