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I need to ramble

StressedinCanada's picture

So it has been awhile since I have posted or even visited this site. I've sorta reverted into a shell. DH and I have been taking SD12 to see a counselor for the last month. Hoping it would relieve some of the tension and stress in our home. After todays session I feel it added more stress on me. I swear SD has been getting worse since we started.
SD can not slow down. It's like she's a hamster in a cage. She just does everything so fast. One minute she's at one part of the house and in a second she's at the other end. She runs everywhere, and we have a small house. She eats like it's her first meal in weeks. She runs into things, turns into walls, drops everything she holds, spills, damages things. We are putting new walls in her room and are terrified that they will be trashed.
She can not follow simple instruction. She can not do one 1 chore without being "reminded". If we tell her not to do something, even on a daily basis, she'll do it anyway and say "oh, I forgot".
Now the couselor has talked to the school to see if they see any of this and they do not. It is a home thing. I told the couselor today that I figured after 2 years of the same complaints and such it would start to stick in her head. I am not asking for the world, just some respect and peace. All I want is things not to be broke or damaged. All I want is for one day NOT to say "slow down" or becareful" or "could you please chew your food before you swallow. Youre going to choke". We know she can handle only one task. So we don't pile things on her. But that one task is a big fight to get done properly.
The couselor tells us that SD can not slow down and that it is a kid thing. Ok, got ya. I was a kid once too. But come on after this long we should be seeing a change. After being told the same things day in and day out. SD says she's trying, but we don't see it. After the couselor said that she couldn't slow down her fast moving pace increased. Almost like SD figured well I can't stop so I'll go faster.
Now the couselor would like me and SD to bond some how. SD wants to do girly things together. Like our nails or hair. SD knows that I am not that kind of girl. I wear ball caps and chew my nails. I have poker straight hair that is simple to do, I comb it, there ..done. I am a tom boy, I can not do those "girly" things. It makes me ill thinking of it. So I tried to play cards with her instead. Nope not good enough. I tried computer games, nope I want to do my nails and hair.
Before I get to carried away, I should say that DH feels the same as me and has been very supportive. It's hard for him too. It seems to be very much about SD and what she wants, she is very much the look at me girl.
So now we are going to try medication, to slow her down, put some normalsy in our lives. I hope it works.