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StressedinCanada's Blog

What is SD problem?

StressedinCanada's picture

My SD is a sneaky little liar. We have repetedly told her NO DRESSES TO SCHOOL IN WINTER!!! It is cold out. But what does she do? She sneaks her dress out of the house in her backpack, AGAIN, and changes at school.I figured the last time she got caught and grounded she would clue in...but NO!
I've had it. I don't know what to do. We constantly catch her in lies.
She's like a pi**ed off dog that pees on the floor when your gone. If she doesn't get something she goes and does something to make us mad.
Our rules don't matter. The punishments don't matter.

I dont love my SD

StressedinCanada's picture

I just came to the realization that I do not love my step daughter. I don't hate her either. It's hard to explain. I have no Bio kids, nor do I want any. So I really don't even know how to love a child. Since she has been with us I have turned into a miserable woman. I seem to always be on edge and cranky about something. I am tired and frustrated all the time. All I want is respect and peace. Does love come with time, or do we just co-exsist with each other?

I need to ramble

StressedinCanada's picture

So it has been awhile since I have posted or even visited this site. I've sorta reverted into a shell. DH and I have been taking SD12 to see a counselor for the last month. Hoping it would relieve some of the tension and stress in our home. After todays session I feel it added more stress on me. I swear SD has been getting worse since we started.

Could it be me?

StressedinCanada's picture

Ok! I am very nervous. Tomorrow DH,SD and I go to see child mental health for an assesment on SD. I am freaked...what if the problem is me? What if everything that is wrong with her is my fault? Could it be? I am trying my hardest to be patient and understanding but some days it's difficult. Ok most days. I know this sounds bad but....I think she has ADD and I sort of hope it is. At least then there would be a reason and I wouldn't have to feel so guilty all the time.