problem with ex wife
A week before Thanksgiving my husband and I received a phone call from my stepson informing us that he was coming down for one week and that his mother and 17 year half brother were coming down as well and would all be staying across the street from our home with a woman who is good friends with the ex. I was uncomfortable with this situation and made it known to my husband. We found out his ex and her new husband had separated. The ex and her 17 year old son made several phone calls to my home and personal cell number. The ex made comments to the effect I was trying to keep her son away from his dad and seemed to feel threatened by her for some reason. She asked that I return her phone to call to talk which I didnt. Her 17 year old son left me a message telling me I was crazy and noone liked me, yada yada. Although infuriated by this I let it go. They came down for a week and my husband and I both stayed preoccupied and away from the house as much as possible. He saw his son a few times during the week they were down but I did not want to have much to do with anything of them at this point. I am dreading xmas holiday and what might pop up with this "ex" bunch. It makes me uncomfortable in my own home. The neighbor next door is of questionable character and party animal. The ex wife spent several days in hospital while she was down here following a night out on the town. The whole issue was hush hush and my husband never got full details of why she was in hospital. She has hx of prescription pill abuse. The car they drove down here broke down and the exes father had to bring trailer to pick up their car and the ex and two kids. My only salvation is that they live out of state and this is first time had to deal with anything like this. However,the first ex wife created total chaos for first two years of my marriage. After she took my husband to court and got order for him to pay 75 gran "back" child support on two grown kids. My husband was not smart and paid the woman cash many times instead of going through the courthouse. At the time they got along and he was self employeed and thought she would never do that. So that is behind us and now the second ex is starting in. We never heard word from her when she was married. Now that her husband has left her she is making herself at home not 20 yards from my front door. I do not feel her intentions are good. I feel comfortable in my marriage but have about reached my breaking point with all the ex baggage popping up. Neither exes worked and my husband is just now getting back on his feet financially. He pays child support faithfully and through the courts this time on all three kids. We both have good jobs and work hard but I wonder if our life will ever be peaceful. I am to the point that I do not have much to do with stepkids at all. My husband tends to bury his head in the dirt to keep peace.
I hear you....
My DH's ex has always complained, but she at least kept us out of the court system until recently, when she found out I was pregnant with twins. Actually, correction, she waited until she found out I was high risk to pull the court card. My DH is totally above and beyond on child support and visitation and always pays by check. Everyone has told us we have nothing to worry about, and it sounds like you don't either. My DH has historically buried his head as well when it comes to her, but now, he is standing up to her, part of the reason for her taking us to court I think. I don't think a "peaceful life" is a reality when you have skids and a difficult BM to deal with, however, you can improve things IF your DH is willing to put his foot down. Degrading phone calls to you should not be tolerated. Change your cell phone number and don't list it. The people that live so close to you is obviously something you can't change, just avoid them as much as possible. I think you are doing the right thing by disengaging, but as you are experiencing now, they will always come into your life to try and cause trouble, especially when their own lives are in upheaval. Get as much support from your DH as possible, it sounds like you are getting the brunt of the nastiness from skids and BM, same with me. But now that DH is standing up for me, it is getting better.
Best of luck!
Is there a chance...
You could go out of town and visit family during this time? *jab jab, wink, wink.* "Oh, sorry, going out of town all week." Even if it means staying in a hotel, commuting to work, etc? LMAO!!!
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...