Why can't she brush her hair???
Every time my SO gets his 3 kids, their hair is always full of knots, sticky from whatever they were eating the day before and just all around dirty. It takes us almost an hour of just brushing. My SD has such beautiful hair that it is so frusterating as to why the BM lets it get that bad (maybe because she has hair that sucks!). So this past weekend when we had them I washed, combed and dried my SD hair. That made it straight instead of curly and also made her frizz go away. When we dropped them off on Sunday the BM called about 20m later and was so pissed because I did her hair and my SD liked it. The BM said, "I ALWAYS BRUSH HER HAIR, AND IF I DON'T IT'S BECAUSE SHE SAYS I DON'T DO IT LIKE HER "PRECIOUS" LITTLE FRIEND DOES...." I mean, this isn't a competition. I wouldn't even let my own kids go out looking ratty, so why should I allow my SKIDS to look less than nice? The BM is jealous of her own 5yr old daughter because the little girl has self esteem. GET OVER IT LADY! Don't hate on your 5yr old because her hair didn't suck... You should be thankful!!
Just ignore her. She's insecure and jealous, nothing more. If your SD likes you to do her hair, than do it. The focus should never be on BM but the kids, and whatever rant she has to b!tch about, let it roll off your back. It's petty.
My SD and I do her hair, she likes it and it's a way for us to bond. I am not a girlie girl, so it's a whole new thing for me too. But BM is insecure, and my SD decided that she wanted to grow her hair out like mine to wear it like mine. I'm sure that just made BM's skin crawl, but who cares. I can't stand the hair in front of my SD's eyes because of it, and it makes it look like neither one of us care enough to have SD's hair cut, but she wants to grow the bangs out so I can put it up the way that I used to put my hair up. It's cute, but at the same time, it's faltering to know that she looks up to me.
So, chalk it up to BM's insecurity and leave it at that. If your SD wants her hair done, then so be it. It's her hair, anyway.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
You know.... I never looked at it as a way to bond but it kind of is.... I am a girlie girl and so is my SD. The BM has very low self esteem and God forbid that anybody else has any! SD also wants hair like mine, but she's too young to decide that since mine is short. When my SO was married to the BM she wanted to cut hers short but he said she would look too "butch", and now he's with a girl who has short hair.... go figure! Thanks for the advice