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The BM is lying!!!

Mrs.Desperate's picture

I am now sure that this woman is lying AND making her children lie. She keeps telling DH not to talk to SS8 about the lies because he will feel guilty, and she refused to meet DH to talk to him about it.

DH is on my side. He KNOWS that I didn't hit his kids, not because he trusts me (which he does), but because he was with me 100% of the time the kids have been here.

I feel so sad, and so stupid that I ever considered this woman to be my friend. She seemed so in place and with her feet on the floor, but she has proven to be exactly the contrary.

She is hiding something, and I don't think it is anything bad, but just her own agenda. She doesn't want to feel guilty for splitting up with DH, or for moving in with her new bf, or for making SS8 change schools, or for taking him on vacation for two weeks after the first week of school, or for not having rules and getting them get away with everything. But for sure it is that she is proving my point: She lets them do as they wish and get away with everything. If only SS8 knew that by lying he won't be able to see his dad, his older brother, etc.., he would stop lying. But BM doesn't want him to know the consequences. She is destroying us... I cannot believe this.

In an impulse, I sent her a text saying exactly this. It was rather eloquent but showed I was hurt and I accused her of making her kids lie. But she has to get the idea, right? I will also go to the end of the world to protect my marriage and I'm not giving her, nor her 8-year-old the power to destroy it.


dreamingofhappiness's picture

The BM (in my case Bitch of a BioMom) has lied about me for the last 5 years. Trying to turn my inlaws against me. Butting her nose into my family, having the children dfo her dirty work becasue she has filled their heads so full of crap... I have proof of the lies that have been told. I brought them to light with the older two step kids... they ran home telling mommy about what they read etc... and now the latest is they are in counseling and in her words, it ia all my fault...

Breathe... BM are jealous insecure lazy manipulating ignorant idiots.... stay strong like you are and continue not giving her the power to destroy your life, everything will come back in thruths in the end....

crystalyzed's picture

wow my skids BM does the same crap.....she has her kids lie A LOT!!! And my husband and I know it because the kids have told us that mommy tells them to say things, but only if they get mad at their mom they tell. Boy does she have them LIE LIE LIE about everything, the worst ones are the lies that I say mean things to them like they are not part of the family, it drives me nuts!!!We just have to realize that these BM's are lieing and causing problems because they are jealous of us and want to ruin our marriages, my skids BM left my husband for another man and also left the kids with now she realizes her "mistake" and wants her man back......hello he's married now with 3 new children and one on the way......give it up bitch!!!!!!But guess what even if we know it's lies it still causes anger and frustration....and stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck but just remember these BM's are wishing they were you:)

topcat's picture

called that one. sounded like she was using her kids to get you out. I went through alot of the BM using the kids to hurt us. she even went and got her daughter to plant pictures in OUR HOUSE of her and my husband. Well i say his daughter but who knows..she might of done it herself..the locks werent changed at that time and their daughter came in and out when she pleased. I hope one day she gets hers and this woman you are talking about..will get hers too. Its how life is. I didnt do anything and im just waiting for her to get hers. She is trying to turn her their son against me and my husband too but he says they arent going to and he is tired of their crap. 13 years old and says he is tired of his mom.
I hope you can stand strong and know down deep this is a kid saying what he was told and to no react to her but clear yourself...take care of learning that myself. Smile