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I wanted to laugh out loud today...but I was good!

HadEnoughx5's picture

Today I was riding in the car with SS12 and we were listening to the radio. He made a comment about someone winning the lottery and figured out the person would get $5,000 a month, $60,000 a year...for doing absolutely nothing!

This is where I bit my tongue...

I wanted to blurt out "Yeah well your BM makes 73k, tax free and does absolutely NOTHING too!!!

Are my horns, tail and pitch fork showing??? }:)

HadEnoughx5's picture

BM gets 43k a year from death bennies from her deceased hubby that she married secretly knowing he had a short time to live. It was to help supplement the alimony that was ending the very next month after she married him. The rest is CS and she also collects rent money from her brother living in the basement and she got herself knocked up with another guy, so that secures her with even more money.

She makes more money flat on her back then I did working in the medical field full time. Amazing isn't it? :O

Jbrown62180's picture

You know what, you are better than me because I probably would have said something. Good for you for biting your tongue. That is amazing that she gets that kind of money for doing nothing, but I bet you she is the most miserable person in the world.

HadEnoughx5's picture

There are not enough words in the world to describe how miserable BM is. Her entire life depends on the next sucker she reels in, along with the all her lies and manipulation.

Someday the money will run out and she knows this. So she is unfaithful with every man she comes across with always searching for the next best opportunity. In that process she has to devote so much energy to remember what lie she told to everyone else to keep her story straight.

I just wish the energy she uses for greed she would transform and use it towards her kids and stop alienating them from their BF.