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asia's picture

Smile Hi everyone!!! its been awhile since i been on here..i must say things got better for me and my bf...we are engaged and im expecting my first child..... my ss is 5 years old now... i dont know if anyone is having this problem but... he seems to not understand he is having a lil sister soon... and most kids at this age would understand what cousins,sister, and brother my ss cousin that is only 3 year old knows what that is, unlike just puzzle me... the 3 year old even understand that he is having a lil cousin on the way... cmon now..... is there something one??? or the bm is not teaching him this....??? cause bm does know im pregnant and we are engaged....


ThatGirl's picture

Maybe BM's been telling him that your child is NOT his sister? If you'd like him to be more involved, try bringing him with you for a doctor or sonogram appointment. Or maybe have him help paint/decorate the nursery?

asia's picture

hmmm yes maybe bm is telling him that, im not sure... because bm mom and dad tells him he is having a sister too.... i already try the doctor and sonogram appt... and getting stuff for the baby.... its just not clicking in his head.... he kinda acts like he dont care, my fiance said he will get better once the baby is here.. maybe he will understand, but i doupt it! and we also try to sit down and explain to him... it didnt work either...i dont know what to think now... cause he is a smart kid... he just be acting silly sometimes... sometimes i think he knows but he just act like he dont understand when he does...

ThatGirl's picture

What exactly does he do or say that makes you think he does not understand? Does he have a learning disability or something? Is he in Kindergarten yet, or maybe pre-school. Does he have any friends with baby siblings?

asia's picture

i dont know if he is slow or what.... he acts like it sometimes.... he is in kindergartan... thats why it doesnt make any sence for him to not know what a brother or sister is.... i think kids at his age would know what that is by now.... i have friends that ask him...for example/// are you excited you having a lil sister soon? and he will just answer them NO.. evrything is NO... and then they try to explain to him, and he just stand there looking at them puzzle.... he has cousins and friends that have sisters and bothers.... its just him that dont understand....