Really BM Nasty? Really?
What is it with POS BM’s? Nasty has copied photo’s that I had posted of the SKids & used one of them as her damn profile pic on FB!
She literally has NOTHING to do with her children yet she feels she can take photo’s off of MY page even though they were PAID for my ME! Her only contact with them was for a total of 12 minutes, combined to cover 2 phone calls with 2 that's what...6 minutes per month per child? Awesome!
She’s SO’s friend on FB & of course, I tagged him which would be how she got a hold of them. I know it isn’t the end of the world, but holy cow am I peeved!
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I think if you remove it on
I think if you remove it on your page it removes it on hers unless she cut and pasted it...If she shared it you can delete it.
She must have saved it
She must have saved it because it's in her "mobile uploads" and set as her profile pic. She didn't share it, she saved it onto her own computer & went from there.
Guess her nasty ass doesn't need me to send her the REAL ones then, huh?
Good thing too because we have to shorten our list of school pic recipients since we purchased less this year.
I's just that my
I's just that my family view me as their parental figure & the SKids as neice/nephew/grandchildren, therefore, they want to see does SO's family. Most of them live out of state, so the internet makes pic sharing the easiest way to go about it.
There's nothing I can do about it...just had to vent.
Maybe you can take advantage
Maybe you can take advantage of a free photosharing site like Photobucket or Flickr? You can just Message them with the link. Hope that helps!
DH's ex has 3 kids by 3
DH's ex has 3 kids by 3 different fathers. She gave up the oldest one to his father's side of the family. Then, she had 2 daughters, five years apart, each by a different dad. DH is the youngest daughter's dad and we have custody of her.
When SD17's half-sister was having her 21st birthday, the girl came to our house to spend it with us. (She lives 4 hours away, and DH's ex was fine with that. Of course she was...she wouldn't have a nice bday if she had stayed home!)
DH took pictures of her birthday...cake and all. BM did the same thing. Stole pictures off his FB profile and posted them on her wall, as if she was the one who threw the party.
Go figure.
If I put pics up of SS, our
If I put pics up of SS, our BD is in the pic with him or one of us are in it. I also rarely tag my husband because his isn't set to private and is friends with her family. Otherwise, my pictures are set to friends only and I am def not her friend.
That really sucks about the picture stealing!! It'd be extremely irked too
This is exactly why I have
This is exactly why I have friends only and have made DH delete BM's stepsister from his friends. I don't know if BM was seeing things, but I didn't want to take the chance.
If your stuff is friends only and DH's is then she can not see your pics...
Omg. Cuz stealing a pic just
Omg. Cuz stealing a pic just shows mommy misses her babies sooooo much huh?? Lets not spend time with them or anything. Just post pics and make it look like you give a damn. Maybe don't tag FDH.
Know that sucks but it would solve that issue. Def don't send her pics. If she says anything just point out she already has the pics plus she didn't pay for them and money is tight right now.... Lmao! }:)
I don't tag my pics, & if I'm
I don't tag my pics, & if I'm tagged in someone's pic I remove it. That way I can still post my pics for my family & friends to see, but it doesn't put them anywhere else to give other people access.