Future step parent
My boyfriend has a baby boy due next month with his psycho ex. I'm scared. I'm scared that he is going to leave me for her. I'm scared that if e doesn't, we will never have the same relationship that they have. I'm scared that I won't be a good step mom for the child, and I can't help but be jealous about it all. Any advice?
- Kelleynicole's blog
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Yes. Figure out if these
Good luck!
Figure out if these feelings are simply a part of who you are or if HE has given you reason to feel this way.
That will let you know what to focus on.
Are you ready for YEARS of
Are you ready for YEARS of stress, sadness, and pain? You are in a situation where that may very well happen. My advice-run now. If she is psycho, she may never change. If you are questioning things now, that is a sign that your relationship is not one where you fully trust your boyfriend. There are plenty of other men out there who have no children/no drama. I would NEVER get involved with someone who has a baby on the way with another woman. There are so many potential problems that could develop.
You really need to have a long talk with your boyfriend, and see how he is feeling.
Although the above posts are
Although the above posts are somewha true, the fact is that the baby is brand new! That will be the issue, it gonna be a lot of things that the baby will need and guess who the BM is gonna call. Yep your boyfriend now here is the catch: 1) he will go running to help out and do the happy daddy thing ***Good respectable Guy 2) He wont help out at all or be there for the kid ***Bad Guy lets you know what kind of father he will be for your future kids
So either way you have to be prepared to share him with another woman for AT LEAST 18 years! And if this baby is the first for both of them !!!!!! LOOK OUT HONEY!
A couple of questions: How
A couple of questions:
How long have you been together? Is there talk of committment long term on your part? Once this baby comes your life will never the same.....there are a couple of scenarios:
1) Psycho ex could up and leave the baby with you guys, are you ready to be a full time mom? What if you guys break up in two years and you've invested all of this time with the baby?
2) Psycho ex will probably take your BF to court for child support, this never ends, she will always be in your life and will always have her hand out and will be constantly cutting you up for no reason.
To be honest....and I am just trying to open your eyes a little before you jump in. This woman is going to be calling your BF all of the time. Having a new baby around full time is stressful. I'll ask....are you sure it's something you want? I would run away now. Don't get me wrong, being a parent is the best thing I've ever done but the stepparenting isn't and it's more stressful than joyful.
oh yeah and dont forget about
oh yeah and dont forget about child support. If he is not making a good income now, when cs,taxes and mandatory medical insurance hits he wont really be making anything so that means cheap dates and no vacations or weekend getaways....
If he does make a good salary then you both still have a chance of having a good life without finacial issues
I need more info here. 1)
I need more info here.
1) How old are both of you?
2) How long have you been dating?
3) Was he married to his ex?
4) What kind of relationship do you two have? Is it leading to
Your boyfriend is HAVING A
Your boyfriend is HAVING A BABY with a PSYCHO. That right there is scary. It definitely will not be easy. There is a chance he could get back with her. There is always a CHANCE. And no you won't have what he has with her until you have a baby with him. How long have you been together? How old are you? If you haven't been together long, and you are young...I would advise you just end it now. It may not be what you want to hear but if I could go back I think I would certainly do things differently. I met my husband when I was 21. He was 25 with a 2 year old. He had freshly filed for divorce (I met him 3 months after he filed) We broke up 3 times in the first year. He got back with his ex each of those times. He said he was confused and was "doing it for his family, for his daughter" and of course was always running back to me saying he "made a mistake" The only reason I got back with him and stayed with him is because I had gone out and done my own thing as well. Met a few other men, dated, hooked up. Things are obviously much different now, but it was NOT an easy road. And the problems with his ex have never stopped. In fact as his daughter gets older (she is 8 now) things seem to get worse with her mom. Think long and hard!!!!!!! You will be expected to take care of a newborn, sacrifice A LOT, and have to put up with MASSIVE amounts of bullshit for YEARS to come! Is that what you really want?