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helena_brass's picture

Seriously? Wow. Please tell me I didn't pay for this.


Jsmom's picture

Really!!! Amazed that they needed a study. They could of come to the website here for free...

herewegoagain's picture

You know WHY they need a study? Because it's politically incorrect. They need a study because with everything we see here of crazy kids and bad parents, it's politically incorrect to blame "poor single mom". It also talks about "comforting your child" when he/she cries, which of course, pediatricians have been saying for about 15 years to let them CRY IT OUT...darn! They knew NOTHING about kids, did they?

With that comes that it's not ALWAYS the parent's fault. Nope. There are some crappy parents out there, but we all know that lots of stress from others truly affects our stress levels and how we handle things. Many of us here under "normal circumstances", ie. no crazy ex's or skids, are very different people. Of course, they say stress affects kids, and even unborn children...but watch out if you as a stressed smom blame the freaking skids, ex-wife, il's, etc...for the stress you have...of course, they will say "it's YOUR fault you allowed the stress to take over your life, therefore it's your problem..." But we all know that sometimes, no matter how hard we try, people interfere constantly in our homes and make our lives a living hell...I know, my crazy il's, my DHs ex and especially his pathetic sister did this to me when our son was born and for many years later. She won't take any responsiblity for the stress in our home, but both my husband and I know that the stress she constantly caused in our home, "calling me at work, harrassing me, yelling at me while pregnant, making a scene at MY house when our son had just arrived from the hospital and many years later", truly affected us as a couple and thus, the stress level in our home...and of course, our son.

I think we should be able to sue these witches who cause so much turmoil in our lives.

reluctantgma's picture

I don't think this was reported properly. Doesn't sound like a new study to me, rather a *systematic review* ("analysis") of 69 existing studies. The lead researcher is from the University of Reading in the United Kingdom. I don't know how research and analysis funding is done in the UK, but doesn't sound to me as if any US tax dollars went to this review.

Granted, this is not an analysis that excites me in any way, but in general, I believe there is a lot of utility and benefit in systematic review. Wish we had more respect for and made greater use of them in the US.