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Letter to court went out today...BM is going to be mad as hell....

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"The Parties daughter, SD15 has begun to exhibit behavior that is not acceptable nor safe for a child her age, during the periods of time that she should be in the care, custody or control of her primary custodial parent, the plaintiff herein (BM), with Plaintiff denying that the childs inappropriate behavior exists or that any action should be taken to curtail such behavior...The primary custodial parent has refused to communicate in good faith with the defnandat, regarding their daughter's recent misbehavior and continues only to deny and therefore there has been a material change in circumstances regarding SD15, inasmuch as she is not being held accountable for her misbehavior nor has such behavior been curtailed."

I love that she is finally going to have to answer to someone about SD15. My suggestion would be to dye her hair back before court, because even a judge will have no problem seeing what she looks like now....

We go to court on Sept. 13 as of now. Hopefully BM's lawyers encourage her to settle, so that this child doesn't come live back in our house. DH laughed when I told him I was worried. I told him, that I give it two days and I will be living with my mother and that I would like to thank him for that. At 44 to have to go live with my mother is not funny. I don't think he realizes that I am serious and that if she lives with us again, she is going to make our lives hell and I am not in a position where I want to do it again.

Chances are tht BM will get this today or tomorrow since it was filed with the courts this morning. My poor SS13 is headed back to him moms after school today. I am sure he is going to get her wrath on this. I spent an hour with him yesterday practicing for his vocab test and one of his spelling words was wrath....He has no idea what Wrath will be until BM goes off...He is planning his replies he told us last week when she does and he plans on walking out. Thankfully we live in the subdivision across so he doesn't have far to go. But, I do not want that for him.


Jsmom's picture

No this is just our lawyers response to her last reponse...She stalled on the final acceptance of the mediation for so long (idiot) that now DH and the lawyers and SS13 circumstances has changed and now want to throw out the mediation from Jan 20. We found out SD15 has gotten drunk and driving drunk around town hitting signs on the golf cart. Promiscous reputation and lots more....Yes BM is going to be pissed. DH tried to settle it last week and she had no reply and now this is our lawyers reply to her lawyer disagreeing about SD15 not having any problems. All we want is SS13 to live with us full time. Read old blogs and the emails that have been going on the last two weeks...