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BM takes kids to family counceling I think thats great but it is our week we only get 3 a year

cryingmama's picture

We have my sd three almost weeks a year and two overnights a week. this is our week but along with other things bm has scheduled their family counciling for one of days this week. My husband who was origanlly told it was for the older son (not his) asked if she could skip this week and go next. Then bm said not it is family theropy and she has to be there. SD also has to go to a reading class this week because her bm never makes her practice. I want my husband to just tell her she isnt going but i know when i got to pick her up from reading her bm will be there. any advice

hismineandours's picture

A counseling appt can be rescheduled very easily. I would not allow her to go-also as a therapist myself I do family therapy ALL the time when not all family members are there-in fact this is often preferable so that we can address issues related to just a couple of the family members (say one parent and one child) that not all the family members need to hear about.

cryingmama's picture

Thank you both, that is what thought I guess I just feel helpless because my husband "rips her a new one " or talks calmly or what ever and it always ends the same she gets what she wants or does what she wants and he doesnt really do anything.