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SDs relationship changing

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I have been with my husband for 9 years now. Over the past 6 years we have gained custody of both my SDs. They are wonderful girls and we had a really awesome relationship up until this lat year. The oldest moved in with us 5 yrs ago and for 4 wanted nothing to do with the BM. I don't know what happened but one day as BM was at our door she informs us she is going to BM house. Well not only were we shocked but scared because my had been busted for meth just a few months before and got with a child molester. Since the SD is 17 what we suppose to do? Come to find out, after BM upped and moved to LA without telling her daughters or my husband, while the girls were at BM house she was buying them smokes, booze and the BMbf was offering to get them high. But now the girls are complaining because we won't pay for them to go visit BM 14 hrs away from us. We have told them over and over that the police and DHS told us that we can't allow this plus on top of it we wouldn't send them anyways in fear of what else would happen.
Than this week as we tried to enroll them in school BM called the school(which she never does unless to start problems) to say she wanted things mailed to her. Which is fine but because of all this the schools want court papers to prove we have custody.Which again fine but they won't start the girls until they have them which we have kindly said we would get. Over the past 5 yrs I have taken care of the girls school stuff since my husband is at work. Now since the BM threw a fit at this new school I can't have any information or give it to them to help my SDs. It is a total mess and I kind of feel thrown to the wolves. I just don't know what to do and how to get our relationship back.