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grow-a-nut has HAD IT!!!!

grow-a-nut's picture

SO wednesday was spineless wonder's birthday. SD insisted she come over so I left. Thursday morning I went to make his lunch and the pkg of hot dogs I had was gone. NP I figured one of my bio kids ate them.

Today I get home and get ready to order our dinner. We have pizza on Friday nights and the place I call gives you coupons with every large pizza. You get 10 of these coupons and your 11th is free. SO I go to the drawer where I keep them, knowing I have enough for a FREEBIE!!!!! No coupons.....

I look at her bf's fb page and on wednesday night AFTER they left my house he updated his staus to say he was having....Wait ofr it....HOT DOGS. MY FREAKIN' HOT DOGS.

AND my 10 coupons are missing too.


I am so mad right now I could spit fire.

Why do these grown ingrates think they can just come into MY HOME and take Daaaaaaadddddy's food. Hubs had a cheese sammich for lunch. Serves him right for taking his eyes off of her.