help! the demons are coming today!!
Let me start be saying, I Love my DH with every fiber of my being. He is a wonderful man, kind, gentle, sweet, honest, loving, everything I could ask for! A true southern gentleman.
BUT, his girls are NOTHING like him. They are down rite rotten, thanks to bm. If it was up to me I'd have nothing to do with them. They have stolen from me. Every word that falls out of their whiny mouths is pretty much a lie(per ex-mil). If they were my bd's friends they would never be allowed back to my house.
We get them eow, and by tuesday of the week we get them I am sick to my stomach with dread.
Bm encourages their bad behavior. I'm sure of this because sd8 has told me as much. She has told them to break my things, tear up photos of dh and I, you name it they have done it!
I've tried so hard to make myself love, or even just like these children, and I can not! I don't understand how I can love someone so much, but at the same time dis-like his kids? It makes me feel guilty, just typing it down here. He is wonderful to my bio-kids, I have 6! And he welcomed them with open arms. Why can't I do the same for two little girls?
The sight of them hugging "Daddy" or sitting on his lap make me want to pull my hair out and scream "get off of him!" I feel like they don't deserve such a wonderful father. Maybe if they were good kids I'd feel differently, I just don't know because, they're not. He sees them as perfect. He even told me once he wanted to put the older one in a pageant. She has a lazy eye and is really over weight and just NOT an attractive child. Sd5 maybe. But her no. I just shook my head and left the room. They both look just like bm, not a good thing for them, poor girls.
The only emotion I can muster up for them is pity. Had they been raised by dh, they would be better behaved.
We are picking them up this afternoon, its our weekend. And I'll have to force a smile and act excited to see them. But inside I'm just wishing they weren't here, wishing sunday would hurry up and then they can be gone. That's how I get through the weekends they are here, only x-more hours till they're gone.
My other wise stress-less marriage is a wreck when those monsters are here, they play dh and I against one another. Try to get us to argue, and if we do, I've actually seen them smiling about it, like "haha we got you to fight" it is infuriating. I can't make dh see any of it.
Does any one have advice on how I can at the very least force myself to like these girls? I'm lost
for dru ...does that behavior
for dru ...does that behavior not cause trouble between you and DH? Does he not ask why do you have so many things to do when the SK's come? Not being sarcastic, I think its a great idea! Just wondering how DH feels about it
That type of behavior is
That type of behavior is crazy; regardless if BM "says" to do. DH needs to stand by you on this and MAKE then respect you! easier said then done - I know - my SD14 is the SAME exact way. She lives with us FT and I don't think I have said 2 words to her in 2 weeks. She is just so diff from my bios. I don't trust a WORD she says; DH tried to make us be close but after a year of me getting treated like garbage..........forget it!! DH finally saw that is wasn't ME - it wasn't easy at first but now that I don't bother with her DH and I don't fight!
My fear is he finds out how I
My fear is he finds out how I feel about them. What his reaction will be. He has said, "they are my only family" I've told him this hurts my feelings, WE are a family, to which he responds "you know what I mean, blood family" so just because I don't have his dna I'm not family? Its very hurtful, and I know he doesn't mean it to be, but it is just the same.
I've also asked him to stop calling them "my girls" and to refer to them all as our kids, in the hopes this will help.
I so wish I could go tan or shop while they are here. I'm disabled and money is tight right now, dh just started a new job. My cs goes to cover household necessities, soap, laundry stuff, things like that. And to top it off my van broke down a month ago and we haven't the funds to fix it. So he will want his to do "fun stuff with the girls" this weekend.
Having no job, no money of my own, having spinal damage and now no car, makes me feel so useless! I cry about this A LOT, the "you deserve better than me" feelings I have. Hell, I can't even love his kids! I can never work again, I'm a medical professional, and I cannot lift my patients, therefore I cannot work. Missing that more than ever too. It gave me these feelings like "today I made john doe feel better" and I'm useful to the world. Geez, I'm crying now! Sorry, it breaks my heart to know I can't help him out financial. And all I'm good for is cooking and cleaning!
Sorry for going on and on but I'm trapped in my own home with no one to share any of this with, all my friends are in my home state 8 hours away!
Also try united health care
Also try united health care they have work at home jobs
Druzzilla, I'm going to the
Druzzilla, I'm going to the link you gave me NOW! Thank you sooo much for a glimmer of hope! You are my new favorite person right now. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks again!
To think I've been wasting
To think I've been wasting all my time on pity parties. Lol. Well, I'm tossing out my party hats!
I already have 5 emails in my inbox, thanking me for my resume! This will keep my spirits up through "the visit". I just hope they don't walk in with attitudes.
I like your style! I'm so
}:) I like your style! I'm so glad I found this site! It has given me so many tools to deal with the sd's.
they're not gonna know what hit um.
I do the same thing Druzilla
I do the same thing Druzilla does. This weekend we have SD and I am going to hang with friends tomorrow afternoon and night. I don't stay away all weekend or every weekend, but if I want to do something when she is hear, I do. Not my kid, not my problem.