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Chronic liar and IEP stuff

SisterNeko's picture

I hate liars. Does anyone know anything about IEP? I am on a fact find mission for BF. I try to not get involved but i do like to give BF the facts and hope he will do the right thing with them. We have always had an issue with BM lying (about everything) but lately it's at an all time high and about stuff that she should not be lying about. Which has made BF and I question her more and look into the truth more. She called last night and said something to BF along the line of "Don't you trust me." "Do you think that I am lying" to which BF said nothing. She knows that her last few lies have been looked into. So lately it seems like she has been saying a lot more "Well, call them and you'll see" which I think she says so that we WON'T call them. (Yeah we still call them)

It started with SS6 yearly check up. BF asked her to ask the doc about a certin issue. BM said she did and it was nothing. BF called the doctor and the doc said that she didn't bring anything like that up.

The new issue, (becuase god knows there are more but I won't bore you guys)

SS4 was supposed to be in summer school. They had talked about it in his IEP meeting. (Individualized Education Program) And BF said everyone that was there agreed that it was best for him. Well he didn't get signed up, BM says that the school lost her check but when BF called them they had no record of even getting his paper work. Also it's the same story she gave BF last year when SS6 was supposed to be in summer school. BF is angry about it and has let BM know. So BM changed her story to, one of the teachers told her the summer school was a bad idea becuase he would have a new teacher. I don't buy that becuase all of his teachers were in the meeting and agreed to it, why would one of them tell her (and only her) that? She told us which one and said we could call her if we wanted. BF wants to call the teacher, I on the other hand think he should contact the school and the head of SS4's IEP group and tell them the story and then ask why the school didn't follow up on the IEP plan? I told him to tell the everything that way she can't blame him later, he shows he is concerned and committed. Plus with the IEP stuff I read online that with joint legal custody only one parent has to agree with the IEP plan for it to count and BF agreed with it, so even if she changed her mind it still shouldn't matter. What would you guys do - contact the individual teacher (who is probably going to have on clue what he is talking about) or the IEP group leader?

BF has this mentality that he hates dealing with BM and fighting her all the time. And has said that he just needs to follow up on stuff better, like the summer school registration. But I think some things are worth fighting for like medical and educational stuff. I think it angers me becuase I know he hates to fight but I know that if anyone tried to do that stuff to my kids, there would be a holy war. Smile

I also suggested and BF agreed that this fall he needs to meet with the teachers and Principle to go over some issues he had last year with the school, basically they only called BM when there was an issue, even though he went in and gave them his information. Among other issues too of course.


DaizyDuke's picture

The school district is recommending summer school for a 4 year old??? I am in education and I have never heard of such a thing. In most states the compuslory school age is 6, so I can't fathom why summer school would be recommended for a child this age?? Why would he not just repeat Pre-K, he apparently wasn't ready, disability or not....

What is wrong with your SS that he has an IEP at 4? I'm guessing he's not "severe and profound" as you probably would have mentioned that.. so I just don't get it?

SisterNeko's picture

He has autism. But they say he is High Functioning. He really just needs new place, people and things. More 'Life experiences' He was in an Early Childhood class and will start 4K this coming school year.

Auteur's picture

BF has to start calling the BM on her shit and not remain silent.

"I know it's CONVENIENT for you to lie, BM, but the fact of the matter is that you are setting a horrendous example for our son."

Calmly said of course.

Let her fly into a rage and follow by "methinks thou doth protest too much"

Auteur's picture

The Behemoth is a constant liar. It was never curbed in childhood by her doting mother, the Wookie. She was the darling princess "miracle" baby.

"I didn't file that (editors note: fake) child abuse report against you; maybe it was the school counselors." (editor's note: when the fake report was filed, school had been out for a month)

"I don't know anything about signing (editor's note: forging) your signature to our last tax return"

"I don't know anything about raiding all three children's college funds for my business that went bankrupt in a year's time"

"I don't know anything about failure to report the early withdrawals of the college funds on our last joint tax return"

"I'm not turning the children against you"

And on and on and on.

SisterNeko's picture

Hehe - that is so me. She has always lied and when she does it and I am around I am likes "Are you serious?"

Months ago we were in my can and I had a little scrap on it and BF and I were talking about it, she chimed in with the story about wrecking BF's truck and BF was like "you never wrecked my truck, what are you talking about?" I just stood there with this dumb founded look on my face like "who makes up a story like that?"

12yrstepmonster's picture

Why would a 4 year old need summer school? For that matter why would the even have a 6 year old attend?

I would be calling special services? However WHO is the reponsible party to handle these issues BM or BF?

Elizabeth's picture

I can't answer the particulars of this situation, but with regard to those asking about young kids attending summer school, both my kids (ages 7 and 5) are attending right now. My oldest attended last year at age 6 and LOVED it. My 5 year old is doing a kindergarten preparation course.

simifan's picture

An IEP is usually a legal contract with the school. They must follow it or face serious issues with the state. DH needs to call the school & follow up ASAP. IF the IEP changed the school should have notified him, at least here is PA - they cannot count of one parent filling in another.

The guidelines are listed online.

SisterNeko's picture

I googled it and that it what I gathered as well. I told BF that he needs to at least bring it to their attention that the IEP was not followed. I am not sure what they can do - BF says that it was not written down, which from what I read it should have been and both parents should have signed it.

I read that it is a lot like Mediation but only pertains to education.

I will again strongly suggest that he call. Smile