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Step-slob is going to college

paul_in_utah's picture

Morning all,

I just found out that my step-slob (SS20) is supposedly going to college next year. As a bit of background, SS20 lives with his father, who still lives with **his** mother, the SS20's grandmother (long story about how SS20 ended up there). SS20 barely graduated from high school, and wouldn't have even managed that if I hadn't gotten involved during his senior year. SS20 had failed multiple classes, and was barely passing many others. I met with the teachers and the counselor, and found the easiest classes that SS20 could take, so that he could graduate (essentially, SS20's last semester in high school was comprised of "attendence-based" classes, where the grade was solely determined by physical presence in the classroom - no homework, tests, etc.). Even though SS20 readily admitted that he hated school, and would not put forth any effort, no one, including my DW, wanted to deal with SS's academic issues. It naturally fell to the lowest common denominator - me. I'm sure that it comes as no surprise that not one scintilla of appreciation was shown for me helping SS20 to graduate - after all, I'm "only" a step-father.

In addition to SS20's academic problems, he has a number of emotional and developmental issues. Due in large part to "friend" parenting by my DW, and excessive coddling by the grandmother, SS20 has the life skills of a 12 year-old. He does not know how to properly bathe and shave himslef, and apparently never figured out what that little oblong-shaped device labeled "Right-Guard" was for, since he always has BO. He does not have a driver's license, and has never even attempted to learn how to drive. He also has never worked a day in his life. He also weighs almost 300 pounds, ang nearly has a heart attack anytime he climbs a flight of stairs. He was granted a "sabbatical" by his grandmother after high school, since he worked "so hard" to earn that 2.6 GPA. :sick:

Anyway, grandmother is now forcing SS to apply to college. I would think that, having read the above information, any normal person would realize what a huge mistake this will be. SS does not want to do this, and even if he did, he does not have the academic background and life skills to be successful. Nontheless, grandma is pushing forwarg, because her perfect little grandson is "entitled" to a college education, and the big job it will ultimately bring. LOL! She is delusional! Even my DW admits that SS has no business going to college, but she doesn't want to be "mean" and "discouraing" by telling him this. Thankfully, he may not even get in, thanks to his GPA and shitty ACT score. Even if he does, he will be kicked out after he bombs his first couple of semesters.

Watching these "friend" parents and "enabling" grandparents is so frustrating. They absolutely refuse to get tough with the kids, and insist on coddling the forever. They don't realize that the coddling is the biggest source of trouble, because the kids never learn how to do anything for themselves. They grow up expecting everything to be handed to them. In SS20's case, he is also very physically unhealthy, because no one would ever dream of talking to him about the health issues that stem from being so overweight and out of shape. It is very frustrating.

Disneyfan's picture

Are they excpecting you to foot the bill? If not, don't give it a second thought. There are plenty of folks who were awful students in high school ( 2.6 isn't awful) who managed to turn things around later in life.

novemberm's picture

I work with special education students, and there is no way I would ever encourage your SS to go to college. I think his health needs must be a priority now, bc of his weight. He also needs basic life and social skills training, I am sure. Grandma needs to realize that not everyone should, or can go to college. Getting him healthy and then finding some kind of skill set for him is what needs to be done. If he does manage to get into college, and then fails, it will be a bigger mess than you have now. Definitely do not sign for student loans. He may qualify for aid and grants, but don't get involved in signing for anything at all.

He needs to get a medical checkup and then he needs to be linked with some kind of vocational training or skills center that can help him. I would encourage your wife to push that route on grandma. Maybe they can contact the high school or local vocational or adult school and get him enrolled that way. Your wife needs to be forceful with grandma!!!!!!

Believe me, I know about coddling. My bf has 3 adult children, all of whom dont want to anything for themselves, and one of whom is morbidly obese. She works 20-25 hours a week and that is too much for her. She is "stressed." More like lazy. Her mother gave in to her with food her whole life and the results are a 22 year old who is huge. It is sad. She mentioned going to college and wanted my bf to pay for it. I don't even think she would get up to go to classes. She refused to even fill out the application or apply for a loan. I have huge debt from student loans, and I have to pay mine, but she expected him to do it. She would have minimal if any, debt, but was too lazy to go and even pick up the application.

It scares me for our future.

Disneyfan's picture

He can work on his health/social issues and still attend college. I wouldn't recommend he go away to school. However, a community collge may be perfect for him.

paul_in_utah's picture

Thanks for the comments, everyone. One of the most frustrating parts is that DW won't get tough with him, because he is a "good kid," who is "sensitive." The problem with this line of thinking is that DW is always comparing SS20 to SD17, who is a real terror. Because he's not as much trouble as SD is, DW thinks that makes him a good person, who deserves to be coddled. This is a silly point of view, as you should look at each kid individually. Just because he is not as big a turd as SD17 doesn't mean that he is not, in fact, a turd. You can't polish a turd.