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OT-always hope even at 40...there are still good men out there w/out kids and crazy ex's!

herewegoagain's picture

Today I feel good. Things still are not good at home, but I feel liberated. I went and CHOPPED OFF MY HAIR. Ever since I was in highschool, anytime I broke up with some other idiot, I would go and chop off my hair...since most of the liked long hair...and I did it today...after years of long hair. And it feels great.

With that said, I did talk to a dear friend, who was only a dear friend because of circumstances 16yrs ago (I had just gotten divorced)...and he is still single, no kids, never been married and a doctor...still as nice and thoughtful as ever...hmmm...No, I have no plans on cheating. No, we were only just friends before...but me hearing from him has given me that strength to realize I do not need to put up with this crap. I will be me and if DH doesn't like it, he can take a hike. I am busting my behind with little odds and end jobs until I can find employment...and now I know that he can't possibly be the only 40 something yr old decent man out there without a crazy ex and pathetic kids to deal with. So I feel strong and hopeful.

I wanted to mention this especially for the younger ones who are dealing with all this crap. There ARE good men out there without this darn baggage...and NONE OF US deserve this crap. So do not ever think "I'm too old, every guy has baggage, I will never find anyone else..."

Peace to everyone!


Moonchild10's picture

Thank you for posting this! I had a bit of this revelation myself on Thursday, after finally talking to an ex. We had been keeping in touch, as friends, even during the relationship that I'm the process of exiting. My estranged SO felt really threatened by him and this (I finally told my ex about how SO pretended to be me to see if ex and I were still getting busy) allegedly was the beginning of our issues. The ex would get a little inappropriate and I would curtail it or back off for a bit. I finally called him out on his intentions and he told me that he knows that he wouldn't be able to give me the type of relationship I deserve, considering we live two + hours apart and he's working a lot of overtime while on the fast track to being a detective. We left it at we'll see where things take us and if we happen to end up in the same area we'd give things a shot. I also have been getting a lot of male attention when I'm out walking the dogs. This also makes him uncomfortable too but if you want to mistreat or neglect a woman, don't expect her to just sit around and take scraps. So I say amen, sister!