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Ladies a big thank you to all of you!

goodwitch's picture

Ladies, this weekend I had to do a grueling upgrade--I'm a Applications Developer and we've been working on this thing for 2 years as a team. The rollout started Friday at 5pm, we are still at it--the "Users" or "Customers" will get the system on Wednesday. Can we say rock-n-roll with the problems then. Well a lot of the time these last few days has been hurry up and wait, and you ladies kept me entertained. I mean the SD took my van out--I know because the seat was moved forward was priceless--the nerve of the brat. And the if BJ's counted then she'd be living in a shoe with her litter--oh my I almost fell off my chair laughing. You made a few tough days more fun and I wanted to thank all of you and the darling spawn that made it all possible. Cheers! Have a glass of wine for me on Wednesday.


goodwitch's picture

We made it, only a few errors. I am enjoying my Friday off without any phone calls. Now when I get the OT paycheck that will be nice. Way to go being in hardware! It is a great career being in IT, I really like working with mostly men and women who are not into drama--heck we're IT professionals we're not that into people so drama is very bottom of the list. Have a great weekend and thanks for the entertainment. Oh and least I forget the best part SD left for the entire summer--her entitled butt is studying abroad--that's a whole different story, but I am so happy to just have her gone, it is like a black cloud left our entire state. Now if only the golden uterus would get one of those jobs she is applying for that would cause her to move out of state. But this one is like a bad penny she'll just come back. I get the entire summer without princess drama!!!