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SS 15 and 10 = melt Down

Helpless0987's picture

Have 2 ss 15 and 10. To say the least they are rude, disrespectfull and just in general bad kids. I get so stressed out knowing they are coming here. ss15 eats everything in the house in 1 day, chews tobacco and leaves chew spit all over the house, smokes pot and always comes home ripped and leaves his drug stuff all over the house, lies, failing school, and is generally disrespectful no matter how many tomes u ask him to do something he won't plain and simple. ss10 is spoiled, throws temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants, usually dad gives in to him, everything inculuding asking him to get dressed is atleast a 20 min argument and then he just let's him do what he wants. I can't take it when they are here every weekend every holiday they completely take over the house I feel like I can't relax at all. It's to the point I can't even stand being in the same room as them. How do you tell someone their kids need some rules / respect ? And how do u tell them that you need space from the to feel sane again?

briarmommy's picture

The one with the drug issue is easy, call the cops on him, next time you see drug supplies call the cops, that is and your significant other are not helping him by him continuing these behaviors and it will effect the younger one. When the younger one sees the severity of the older ones issues with the law he might just chose a straiter path himself.

Helpless0987's picture

Honestly I have talked to my bf about it or should I say screamed at some point? He's talked to him grounded him put him on probation nothing works the kid just doesn't care... I don't even want him here....

briarmommy's picture

Screaming usually doesn't get anything across, get online and research behavior modification and drug abuse, print out the statistics for teen drug behavior and show him just how dangerous it is. Call your local police station and find out if they have programs for teens that our anti drug, like visiting prisoners on drug charges etc... maybe if you give him a positive alternitive of pervention not just punishment that will help.

Helpless0987's picture

Allready been done... Like I said he was put on probation, thru the programs, he knows the statistics on it I'm flat out telling u he doesn't care.... He's been punished, drug tested, the whole 9 yards this has been an on going issue and he always finds a way to do what he wants sneaking out of the house, skipping school. And I'm fed up and drained with fixing the issue it has caused more than enough stress on me amd my bf and mines relationship and causing the youngest to act out for attention.... I flat out just don't want to deal with the kid anymore.... I know that sounds bad and I'm prob a horrible person for saying it but it's came down to that I just dont want him in my house anymore I was nice enough to feed, support and give him his own room in my house I think enoughs enough ya know?

briarmommy's picture

That does not make you sound bad at all, this is not your child and you should not be responsible for dealing with this behavior. The only thing is now is, are you willing to stay with your husband and deal with this behavior? Because it sounds like you have done everything you can do so either you stay and accept this as your life till he is grown and gone or you leave. Your husband is not going to magically change his mind, so until this boy gets serious repercusions your ss and your dh will not change there behaviors. You could try counciling, if it something your dh is willing to do but if not........