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Step in the right direction: Princess

Last-Wife's picture

Princess has had some troubles at college, and has convinced a few of her professors to let her finish up some work during the interim between the Spring and Summer semesters, so she's back at school and staying with some friends to get some work finished up.

honestly, I know professors aren't that kind if you fail to show up to their class, so I can't imagine what lies she told to get this all arranged... but anyway...

I was checking in on her yesterday on FB. Sent her a message about how I hated that her faceboook looked like she was there, just hanging out with friends, rather than working. She messaged back that she is at the Study Center 5-6 hours a day, and she just uses FB as a way to relax, and she's not wanting to post to the world how much her life sucks right now, so she's just trying to focus on positives... Ok, I get that.

She said her friend that is letting her crash there DRAGGED her to the student counseling center on Friday and stayed there with her to make sure she saw the doctor, and waited till her appointment was over. The friend had even arranged the appointment. She says she likes the doctor, and goes back on Monday.

i'm liking this friend...

That's a step in the right direction...